Home Herbs How to Make Ivermectin at Home – 100% Natural

How to Make Ivermectin at Home – 100% Natural

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to make ivermectin at home using only simple all-natural ingredients directly from nature? Continue reading this article and see how you can make natural ivermectin at home.

Ivermectin is featured on WHO’s essential medicines list as an intestinal anthelmintic, antifilarial, and medicine for ectoparasitic infections. In 2015 two scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for its discovery and applications. Needless to say, ivermectin is one of the top antiparasitic drugs currently on the market, first used in veterinary medicine, and later approved for human use.

While you cannot make ivermectin at home per se, there are natural alternatives to ivermectin, powerful antiparasitic herbs that can be used at home to treat parasitic infections.

How to Make Ivermectin at Home - Ivermectin Recipe - MyNaturalTreatment.com

We want to share with you how to make ivermectin at home, but the natural kind, using a single, yet very powerful antiparasitic herb. But before we get to show you how to make ivermectin at home, let’s see what this herb is and why this amazing herb is the natural substitute for ivermectin.

What You Need to Make Ivermectin at Home

The natural ivermectin recipe uses only one miraculous herb, which is one of the most powerful antiparasitic, antiviral, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective herbs in the natural medicine textbooks. And the list can go on. That is sweet wormwood.

Sweet wormwood is one of the most effective antiparasitic herbs in the world, and one of the best natural alternatives to ivermectin. 

Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) and, its close cousin, common wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) are strong bitter tonics that kill parasites and promote bowel movements. Both these medicinal herbs have considerable artemisinin content, the main active compound, and are both natural alternatives to ivermectin. According to research, sweet wormwood contains the highest content of artemisinin out of the studied Artemisia family plants.

Why Is Wormwood The Natural Alternative to Ivermectin?

In addition to being one of the most powerful antiparasitic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory herbs, studies have shown that artemisinin has the ability to kill tumor cells indirectly by boosting the production of natural killer cells (NK). Natural killer cells are innate immune cells that show spontaneous cytolytic activity against cells under stress such as tumor cells and virus-infected cells. Yes, natural killer cells kill virus-infected cells and artemisinin has been shown to induce the cytolytic activity of natural killer cells. It also activates macrophages, induces nitric oxide synthases, and exhibits an anti-proliferative effect by blocking viral/tumor cell growth.

Basically, artemisinin does two of the main actions similar to Ivermectin: inhibits pathogen replication and stimulates the body’s natural killer cells to fight disease. 

In addition to artemisinin, both these medicinal plants contain artesunate, arteannuin B, terpenes, and other natural compounds that together fight parasites and pathogens. Without further ado, here is how to make ivermectin at home using only this powerful herb.

How to Make Ivermectin at Home – Recipe

The natural homemade ivermectin recipe is simple. To make natural ivermectin at home you need the following ingredients:


Scald 1 tsp of sweet wormwood herb in a cup of boiling water and steep the tea for 10 minutes. To boost the beneficial healing properties of the sweet wormwood tea, add 30 drops of wormwood tincture. It will taste rather bitter which is normal, so you can sweeten it with raw honey to taste after it has cooled down a bit. You can drink 2 cups of this warm tea daily, one in the morning before breakfast and the other one in the evening, before dinner.

How to Make Ivermectin at Home - Ivermectin Alternative Recipe - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Wormwood tea


You can start drinking this tea when you experience the first symptoms. If the symptoms don’t stop after 1-2 days of drinking 2 cups of this tea daily, you can continue to drink this tea daily for up to 2 weeks maximum, then pause for 1 month and resume only if needed.


Wormwood tea is not recommended if you suffer from gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, epilepsy, and if you have sensitivity to this herb. This tea is not recommended during pregnancy or nursing. Do not exceed the recommended dose.


You can use either sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) or common wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) for both the tea and tincture, as they have similar natural constituents. Sweet wormwood contains higher levels of artemisinin, and we recommend that you preferably use sweet wormwood tea, still, both can have similar effects. The same for the tincture, you can use either one.

Whole plants contain a mix of complex compounds that together potentiate their beneficial effects and tone down adverse reactions. This is why a whole plant or natural extract will always work better compared to synthetic extracts in terms of efficiency and adverse reactions.

The 100% Natural Homemade Ivermectin

Now that you know how to make ivermectin at home, the natural alternative to ivermectin, share this article so more people can use this information and learn how to make ivermectin at home with herbs. We hope that this information will empower you and help those in need. Remember that nature always finds a way. Stay healthy, naturally!

Read Also: 6 Natural Alternatives to Ivermectin

How to Make Ivermectin at Home – 100% Natural


Randy February 5, 2022 - 17:09

Keep on truckin!! “Her mission is to share her knowledge with the rest of the world and help humankind”

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza February 5, 2022 - 22:32

Thank you, Randy! You too! 💚

Health Freedom February 6, 2022 - 21:38

Hello…we wanted to send a thanks for what you are doing to inform people.
Also, is there no way to download as a pdf (like the way mercola is doing with his site) and still protect your copyrights, please?
We want to be prepared in case there are efforts to bring down sites or newsletters like this, and in fact the whole internet.. and therefore would make getting information more challenging.
Thank you

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza February 7, 2022 - 13:12

Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider adding a download pdf option to our articles for non-commercial purposes, so people can save the information on their computers. You can also join our new Telegram channel to stay in touch https://t.me/mynaturaltreatment Much health! 💚

gillian April 11, 2022 - 14:19

Thank you fo sharing, I have joined your Telegram channel. It would be helpful to be able to download different recipes as easier to find as all in one place. x

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza April 11, 2022 - 18:40

Hi Gillian! Thank you for your feedback, I am very happy that you have joined our Telegram, and that you appreciate our work. We have implemented the anti-copy system, as there were people who have copied and pasted the content here on other websites and this had negatively impacted us. However, you can still print the articles and have them offline in your own personal database. Thank you for being with us, much health! 💚🌿

Mark Gibling April 28, 2022 - 17:20

Thank you

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza April 28, 2022 - 20:27


Manfred Leibenguth June 3, 2022 - 18:34

Please send me info on you African herb products.


Dr M Leibenguth

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 3, 2022 - 19:51


We do not sell any herbal products on this website, but we do have an Amazon Affiliate, and you can find all the herbal products that we mention in our articles on the “Supplements” page on top of the main menu bar. If I can help you with any other information, please let me know. All the best,
Andreea 💚🌿

Marietjie Cloete June 8, 2022 - 09:14

I have sundried Artemesia Annua powder for sale. Marietjie

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 8, 2022 - 09:34

Hi Marietjie,

I replied to your e-mail yesterday, but I received an automatic mail delivery fail response (it may prevent people from contacting you via e-mail), so I copy-paste it here. Thank you for contacting us, but currently, we are not selling any products nor intend to sell in the future, we only have an Amazon Affiliate that anyone can see on the Supplements page (top bar). It is a good thing that you are growing your own Artemisia annua, as this simple herb is one of the most powerful natural medicines there is. It is a tremendous help in viral infections, it kills intestinal parasites, cleanses the liver, and even fights cancer cells. Use it wisely and share it with those in need. Much love 🌿💚

Bev MacDougall August 30, 2022 - 22:50

Thank you but how do I make a wormwood tincture please

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza August 31, 2022 - 08:57

Hello Bev! You can find how to make wormwood tincture here https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/herbal-equivalent-to-ivermectin-for-humans/#How_to_Make_Wormwood_Tincture_At_Home or check our supplements page, where you can buy it online: https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/supplements/. Much health to you! 🌿💚

Bev MacDougall September 4, 2022 - 03:17

Thank you so much for that. I was also wondering if the recipe could be used with fresh wormwood leaves as opposed to dry please

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza September 8, 2022 - 07:22

Hello, Bev! Yes, you can use fresh wormwood instead, if you have this herb available, just that dried herbs in general have a higher concentration of healing substances. This means you can use 2-3 tsp of fresh wormwood instead od 1 tsp of the dried plant. Much health to you, Bev. Thank you for being here! 🌿💚

Bev MacDougall September 8, 2022 - 10:59

Thank you again. I’ve sent your site to loads of my friends and they’re thrilled also. Thank you for all you do ❤️

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza January 10, 2023 - 19:43


Judith January 10, 2023 - 19:10

Thank you for your information. I have been taking ivermectin prescription two times per week since December 2021. Before that time I suffered from acid reflux for several years and controlled the symptom with one Prilosec per day.
My acid reflux symptoms have completely disappeared since I started taking ivermectin.
Can you link my cure of acid reflux to my taking of ivermectin?
I have not been able to find any information connecting acid reflux and ivermectin.
Could it be Just a wonderful side affect?

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza January 10, 2023 - 19:42

Hi, Judith! Thank you so much for sharing your healing experience with us. The reason that I believe Ivermectin helped you is that it kills all parasites and bacteria in the entire digestive tract and the liver. And the actual cause of acid reflux is either bacteria or toxins in the liver and/or the small intestinal tract. This is probably why Ivermectin helped heal your acid reflux. I am personally so happy for you, thank you again for sharing your experience with us all. Much love! 💚🌿

Anthony May 6, 2023 - 13:23

Does this protocol get rid of insect sting deposits in the body.

I was bitten by a bug 5/6 weeks ago have been plagued with random bouts of itching round the sting site. I think the insect laid eggs inside. It’s on my back and cannot get to it..


Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza May 9, 2023 - 12:37

Hi, Anthony
Yes, you can use the natural ivermectin recipe with wormwood here (but without the honey) to apply as a compress over the insect bite, after thoroughly cleaning the spot. Or you can simply mix 1 tsp of wormwood tincture with 9 tsp water, pour it over a clean piece of cloth or sterile cotton pad and apply it as a compress. Fresh thyme juice is also effective to apply to the sting, as it is a powerful natural antibiotic, as well as blend of fresh parsley leaves, green onion and broadleaf plantain. To prevent further insect bites, you can apply fresh lemon juice over your face and exposed parts of the body. Or, make your own natural insect repellent, following the instructions here https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/best-home-remedies-for-insect-bites/#How_to_Make_a_Natural_Insect_Repellent_DIY. Other simple tips here: https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/best-home-remedies-for-insect-bites/#How_to_Prevent_Insect_Bites_Naturally However, if you already have a puss and infection, we urge you to see a specialist. Much health!

Cathy B. June 5, 2023 - 01:10

It says you can start drinking this tea when you experience the first symptoms. What is the first symptoms.

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 5, 2023 - 22:44

Hello, Cathy! We had to carefully pick our words, given the subject. I was refering to the first symptoms of cold and flu. Much health to you!

Rudy June 26, 2023 - 21:13

We leave lots of wormwood on our yard. When is it best to Harvest it for dehydrating?

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 26, 2023 - 22:22

Hello, Rudy! That’s great. The best time to harvest wormwood is end of July, beginning of August, so in about a month. You cut the stem with the leaves attached to it, and leave it to dry until the leaves are crisp. The shelf life of dried wormwood is two years, and then you can make a new batch. I hope I helped. Much health to you!

Darren June 27, 2023 - 00:02

I looked in the supplements tab and there is only wormwood in capsule form and was not able to find the tincture. Do you know if it is out of stock or did I just overlook them both?
Thank you for this information!

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 27, 2023 - 09:15

Hi, Darren! The wormwood tinctures are now added to our supplements page, but you can also find wormwood tincture/extract on Amazon at this link: https://amzn.to/3r7Juo4 and sweet wormwood at this link: https://amzn.to/3Pyzkqy Thank you for being here, and much health!

Christa June 30, 2023 - 15:25

Thanks so very much for sharing this info with us! So appreciate it!

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 30, 2023 - 23:20

Hi, Christa! You are very welcome, thank you for stopping by. ❤️

Marga June 30, 2023 - 21:17

Hello dear Andreea <3,
Thank you very much for sharing ???????? all this good information!
Recently I’ve been diagnosed with.. in Dutch… colitis ulcerosa.
Do you have any suggestions for cure?
Specialist has NO idea. How can it be..?
Thanks for thinking with me! ❤️
All the best and Good Health!

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza June 30, 2023 - 23:24

Hi, Marga! I am sorry to hear this, but the good news is that there is always a way to heal, although most allopath doctors don’t know it. I leave you a link from best-selling intuitive healer Anthony Williams, where he explains ulcerative colitis https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/ulcerative-colitis You can also check our article on the natural remedies for ulcerative colitis here https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/home-remedy-for-ulcerative-colitis/ Much health to you, I know you can overcome this challenge. ❤️

Nokulunga ngqoyiyana July 9, 2023 - 13:28

Thanks i will try this it looks much heathier

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza July 10, 2023 - 08:32

Thank you for stopping by, much health!

Julie March 30, 2024 - 20:32

I must be crazy. How do I print out this article without all the ads. I don’t want to download
the free PDF converters as they are full of bad stuff. 🙂

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza April 3, 2024 - 19:16

Hi Julie! You can print the article from your desktop using the extensions of your browser, or use a free online tool that converts web pages to plain text. Much health to you!

Annabel April 27, 2024 - 15:19

Hi Andrea , I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 18 months ago I’ve been taking ivermectin since then while also getting cancer treatment like chemo shots and revlamid . The cancer place told me I couldn’t take ivermectin but I’ve been doing it anyway. They tell me whatever I’m doing keep it up because it’s working. Well now I’m in remission but they want to give me matenace shots. I don’t wanna do it anymore because it makes me so sick.so I stopped all meds except ivermectin. My question is will all symptoms come back just doing ivermectin?

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza April 27, 2024 - 18:04

Hi Annabel,

I am so happy to hear that you are in remission from myeloma, that is fantastic news! It really shows that what you are doing is working. We cannot give you medical advice because and tell you what to do as we are not doctors, and we can’t say whether your symptoms will return by only taking Ivermectin and not doing the shots. However, if your doctors told you that whatever you’re doing works, you can continue taking Ivermectin solely and check back to see where you stand. I really hope that all that you do is for your higher benefit and works for you and your health. Let us know of your progress, you may help others by sharing your experience. Much love,

jp May 4, 2024 - 17:47

Why do i need to install stuff to my browser to print? Scam

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza May 6, 2024 - 19:44

Hello jp,

We have tested the article printing options and it works fine without the need to install any plugins to your internet browser. It must be a local problem, try to print using another internet browser. Thank you for stopping by.


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