Want to learn how to make celandine powder for digestion problems? Keep reading and discover an amazing celandine powder recipe.
Celandine is one of the most fantastic medicinal plants you can work with. It synthesizes no less than 12 alkaloids with exceptional healing properties, stimulates bile and the liver, restores liver cells, supports the activity of the pancreas, kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and even has cytostatic properties. Needless to say, celandine is a powerhouse. Before we show you how to make celandine powder for digestion, here is how to harvest and dry celandine to make the powder.

In This Article You Will Find:
How to Harvest Celandine
Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus) can be harvested from the beginning of May, or the end of April, when it starts to bloom, until the end of November. Only harvest it when it has buds or flowers, and not when it already has seed pods. Harvesting is done in sunny weather, as harvesting on rainy days or after rain turns the plant brown, which lessens its active principles.
- To avoid staining your hands, wear a pair of gloves when cutting the aerial parts (leaves, stems, and flowers) of the celandine. Do not touch your eyes, mouth, or other sensitive areas, with your hands, as celandine may be very irritating.
- Immediately after harvesting, put the celandine to dry in a thin layer, in a shady, well-ventilated, and moisture-free place. Drying in the sun destroys the active principles of the plant.
- Turn the plants from one side to the other once a day until they are completely dry.
- You know the celandine is completely dried when it acquires a dark green color; if it has turned black or has discolored, it’s not a good sign.
Half a kilogram of fresh plant makes approximately one hundred grams of dry celandine. To make one kilogram of dried plant, you need around 6-8 kg of fresh celandine plant. Fresh celandine leaves an orange sap (latex), which has very important medicinal properties, especially for skin problems such as warts. You can learn how to use fresh celandine for warts here. If you don’t want to go harvesting, you can find already dried celandine below.
How to Make Celandine Powder
Finely grind the dried celandine using an electric coffee grinder into a fine powder. If you have any larger bits left, sieve them out. Store the fine celandine powder in sealed glass jars, in dark and cold places, for a maximum period of 3 weeks. After three weeks the celandine powder is no longer potent, so it’s best to always make a small batch.
As a general rule, the daily dose for an adult is an eighth of a teaspoon (approximately 0.5 g) 3-4 times a day, on an empty stomach. For children between 6 and 12 years old, the dose is halved, and for children 2-6 years old, it is reduced to a third or even a quarter. Keep the celandine powder under the tongue for 10-15 minutes, then swallow it with a little water.

How to Use Celandine Powder for Poor Digestion
To stimulate the digestive process, as well as to improve the assimilation of certain vitamins and minerals the daily dose is 1/8 tsp of celandine powder combined with 1/2 tsp of wild thyme powder. Keep the powders under your tongue for 15 minutes, then swallow with a little water. This simple remedy is also recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity, dyspepsia, anemia, and anorexia.
How to Use Celandine Powder for Constipation
Laxative remedies can only partially solve constipation as many people have slow bowel movements because the different glands involved in the digestive process do not have enough juices or their evacuation is too slow. For this reason, it is very useful to combine celandine powder with laxative plants. The daily dose is 1/8 tsp of celandine powder before breakfast. Keep the powder under your tongue for 10-15 minutes, then swallow with a glass of water in which you have soaked 1-2 teaspoons of flax seeds (Linum catharticum) overnight.
How to Use Celandine Powder for Liver & Bile Problems
1. Liver Problems – celandine is an extraordinary stimulant of liver function. The daily dose is 1/8 tsp of celandine powder (approximately 0.5 grams) 4 times a day, in 21-day courses, with a 7-10 day break. This is an excellent remedy for people with liver conditions caused by intoxications and poisonings, or infections with the hepatitis virus.
2. Biliary Dyskinesia – 1/8 tsp of celandine powder three times a day, at 8 am, 1 pm, and 7 pm for 30 days, followed by a 10-day break, after which it can be resumed. This natural treatment is also very effective for the prevention of gallstones.
3. Gallbladder Headache – 1 teaspoon of celandine powder on an empty stomach, in a single dose per day. The effects are downright spectacular: in less than an hour, the bile is drained, headaches and the feeling of nausea disappear, as well as the excessive sensitivity to noises, light, and smells. The remedy can be used occasionally, in case of headaches caused by gallbladder problems.

How to Use Celandine Powder for Cancer
Fresh celandine juice (latex) applied to the areas affected by skin cancer is an amazing natural remedy for this type of cancer, especially when supplementing with celandine powder alongside. The dosage is 1/4 of a teaspoon of celandine powder 4 times a day, in two-month courses, with a 3-week break. Celandine powder improves the condition of cancer patients due to its prover immunomodulatory effects (helps to destroy malignant cells by the immune system) and with a possible direct cytostatic action.

Celandine Side Effects
Overdose (more than four grams of dry plant a day/75-kilogram adult) can cause gastroenteritis, cough, breathing problems, and digestive spasms. In very high doses, it can cause temporary paralysis and cardiac disorders. In rare cases, which relate to individual sensitivity, celandine can also cause liver disorders, going as far as hepatitis.
These problems have also been shown in normal dosing, which is why using celandine internally should start gradually, with small doses, and should be stopped as soon as symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, liver increase, red-colored urine, or yellowing of the cornea. First aid consists of stomach washing and drinking lots of water. We recommend that you only use celandine preparations under the supervision of an experienced herbal doctor.
More Celandine Recipes:
Celandine Tea for Hepatitis
Celandine Tincture Recipe
Fermented Celandine Drinks
Celandine Oil for Burns
Ancients believed that celandine has the healing power of the sun, thus the name Chelidonium meaning the gift of heaven. Folk healers only picked it when the sun was in the sign of Leo to maximum healing benefits, and alchemists believed that they could extract gold from its petals. Celandine was and still is one of the most magnificent medicinal plants ever. If you’ve enjoyed learning how to make celandine powder for digestion issues, please share this article. Stay healthy, naturally!
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