Home Herbs How to Make Caraway Tincture and Use at Home

How to Make Caraway Tincture and Use at Home

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to make caraway tincture from seeds and the main health uses of caraway tincture? Continue reading.

Caraway (Carum carvi) is one of the most underrated natural medicines for digestive problems, cramps, high cholesterol, hormonal issues, and more. Let’s see how to make caraway tincture and its amazing health uses for asthenia, stomach cramps, and even open wounds.

How to Make Caraway Tincture and Its Health Uses - MyNaturalTreatment.com

How to Make Caraway Tincture

Place 10 tablespoons of caraway seed powder in a jar and cover it with 400 ml of 50-proof food-grade alcohol, stirring continuously. Once all the powder is thoroughly covered, seal the jar tightly and leave it to macerate for 12 days. After this period, strain the mixture, add 10 drops of caraway essential oil, and shake well. Pour the resulting tincture into small, amber bottles. The dosage is one teaspoon of caraway tincture four times a day over 1 to 3 months, depending on the condition.

3 Caraway Tincture Uses

  1. Mental fatigue and difficulty concentrating – Take 4 teaspoons of caraway tincture daily for one month at a time. The essential oil in caraway seeds has a tonic effect on the nervous system, promotes cerebral circulation, and provides a sense of alertness and mental energy. This remedy is also recommended as a complementary approach to depression.
  2. Abdominal cramps in infants and young children – Add 1-3 tablespoons of caraway tincture to the child’s bathwater. The active ingredients in caraway seeds, which have calming and anti-gas properties on the gastrointestinal tract, are absorbed through the skin into the peripheral bloodstream and take effect quickly.
  3. Open wounds (first aid) – Rinse and thoroughly clean the wound with undiluted caraway tincture. Although initially painful, this remedy is highly effective, especially if the wound has high microbial exposure. Caraway has strong antibiotic properties and, when applied directly, can even destroy the tetanus virus.

Caraway Safety and Contraindications

Caraway is not recommended for individuals who are allergic to plants in the Apiaceae/Umbelliferae family. Caraway should be administered internally with caution to young children, as it has been very rarely associated with epileptic seizures. For this reason, fennel seeds are generally recommended as a substitute for caraway seeds in very young children. Excessive consumption of caraway seeds (over 7 grams per day) may induce miscarriage in pregnant women.

More Caraway Remedies:
Caraway Tea
Caraway Powder
Caraway Oil

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How to Make Caraway Tincture - Caraway Tincture Recipe - Caraway Tincture Uses - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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