Want to learn how to make caraway powder from seeds and the main health uses of caraway powder? Continue reading.
Caraway (Carum carvi) is one of the most underrated natural medicines for digestive problems, cramps, high cholesterol, hormonal issues, and more. Let’s see how to make caraway powder and its amazing health uses.

In This Article You Will Find:
How to Make Caraway Powder
Finely grind the dried caraway seeds using a coffee grinder until they turn into a fine powder. Store the caraway powder in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. The regular dosage is half a teaspoon four times a day, but the dosage may vary depending on the condition, as you will see below.
7 Caraway Powder Health Uses
1. Colon Cancer
An experimental study published in March 2006 shows that administering caraway powder for 15 weeks inhibits the development of tumors in the large intestine. Interestingly, the anti-tumor effect of caraway was enhanced by including peanut oil in the diet, which is recommended for those suffering from tumors in the digestive tract. For this, the recommended dosage is 7 grams of caraway seed powder daily (the exact dosage is 0.06 grams per kilogram of body weight) for four months, followed by a two-month break.
2. Skin Cancer
Caraway, when taken as a powder and applied externally as an infused oil (recipe here) on cancerous skin lesions, inhibits the growth of malignant tumors and can even trigger their remission. For this, the recommended dosage is 7 grams of caraway seed powder daily, along with the topical application of caraway oil on the affected areas for four months.
3. Diarrhea and Fermentation Colitis
Combine equal amounts of caraway seed powder and peppermint leaf powder and take 4-6 teaspoons of this herbal powder daily for a period of 1 to 3 weeks. The caraway-peppermint combination is highly effective for various digestive issues, including diarrhea and fermentation colitis. It has a quick effect due to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and carminative properties (which help eliminate intestinal gas) of both plants.

4. Dyspepsia
Numerous studies demonstrate that caraway seeds, whether used alone or in combination with other herbs, effectively treat dyspepsia. An efficient and safe solution for dyspepsia is to take one teaspoon of combined caraway seed and peppermint leaf powders, in equal proportions, daily before meals. These herbs should be freshly ground to maximize their volatile oil content, which enhances bile and gastric juice secretion while alleviating abdominal pain, nausea, and heaviness. This treatment is intended for long-term use.
5. Cancer Prevention
Several studies conducted in Japan, India, and China show that taking caraway seeds prevents normal cells from mutating into cancerous cells, serving as a reliable protector against cancer affecting the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. Use caraway as a spice in your diet, and twice a year do a caraway seed powder cure by taking a level teaspoon of caraway seed powder four times a day for four weeks.
6. Postmenopausal Syndrome
As an adjunct treatment, take 3 tsp of freshly ground caraway powder per day, in 30-day courses followed by 30 days of rest, after which the treatment can be resumed. This remedy has mild estrogenic effects, making it ideal for women who have been menopausal for over two years and are experiencing symptoms such as osteoporosis, hirsutism, fatigue, and depression.

7. High Blood Sugar
A 2004 study conducted by a mixed team of researchers from Morocco and France showed that consuming 1-1.5 liters (4 to 6 cups) of the combined tea of caraway seed per day for four weeks significantly reduces LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The same study showed that people with diabetes are protected from cardiac and vascular complications by drinking this tea. Another effect of caraway is a slight decrease in blood sugar levels, which is more pronounced when using caraway powder compared to aqueous or alcoholic caraway seed extracts.
Caraway Safety and Contraindications
Caraway is not recommended for individuals who are allergic to plants in the Apiaceae/Umbelliferae family. Caraway should be administered internally with caution to young children, as it has been very rarely associated with epileptic seizures. For this reason, fennel seeds are generally recommended as a substitute for caraway seeds in very young children. Excessive consumption of caraway seeds (over 7 grams per day) may induce miscarriage in pregnant women.
More Caraway Remedies:
Caraway Tea
Caraway Tincture
Caraway Oil
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