Home Herbs How to Make Burdock Root Salve for Wounds

How to Make Burdock Root Salve for Wounds

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to make burdock root salve for wounds? Discover a wonderful burdock root salve recipe and try it at home.

Burdock (Arctium lappa) has been used since ancient times by the tribes of the Danube Vallery as a body detox, as well as a remedy for urinary infections (cystitis), liver and bile conditions (cholecystitis, gallstones), and many more. Topically, burdock root is used as a remedy for skin conditions including acne, seborrhea, furunculosis, and dermatitis, but also minor wounds due to its allantoin content, which soothes, calms inflammation, and speeds up healing. Before we show you how to make burdock root salve for wounds, let’s see how to harvest the burdock root.

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How to Harvest Burdock Root

The season for harvesting burdock root is either late autumn or early spring. The root is where the burdock stores its nutrients. Harvest only from plants that are one year old, that is before they start to flower. In the first year of life, the burdock plant develops its root system and leaves, so that in the second year it produces flowers and seeds, after which it dies. After harvesting, thoroughly wash the burdock roots in cold water.

Split them lengthwise and put them to dry in a thin layer, in a warm and cool place. The roots are completely dried when they become stiff and brittle and make an empty sound when you snap them. Store the burdock roots in paper bags in a dry and clean place. Now let’s see how to make burdock root salve for minor wounds.

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How to Make Burdock Root Salve for Wounds


Wash the burdock root and cut it finely. Place it in a jar, pour the sunflower oil on top, seal it with a lid, and leave for 3-4 days, in a warm place, to infuse. After this time, melt the coconut oil and the wax in a steam bath, finely chop the burdock leaves, and mix everything with the burdock root and the oil from the jar and heat them up gently. Allow to cool down, then strain and pour into glass cream containers or jars (ideally amber glass). Now the burdock root salve is ready to use. Keep it in the fridge and use it when needed.

Read Also: How to Make Burdock Root Salve for Rheumatic Pain

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How to Make Burdock Root Salve for Wounds - Burdock Root Salve Recipe - NaturalTreatment.com

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