Home Conditions Complete Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis

Complete Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for a simple and effective home remedy for acrocyanosis, continue reading this article and find out how to follow this remedy at home. But first.

Acrocyanosis is a persistent blue coloration of the extremities, most commonly of the hands, but also feet and some parts of the face. Although some believe it is hereditary, acrocyanosis can also be caused by infections, body toxicity, and conditions like antiphospholipid syndrome, cryoglobulinemia, and neoplasms. Here is an amazing home remedy for acrocyanosis that others have used with great results.

Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis

Complete Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis

First of all, cut out meat and sugar consumption, as well as alcohol and smoking. Replace them with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink loads of elderflower tea. Put a blanket roll or pillow under your feet, whether you’re watching TV, laying down, reading, or even sleeping to elevate your feet. Also, wear natural wool or cotton socks and keep them on 24/7, even while you sleep. Wearing socks will help you get rid of the painful spasms related to acrocyanosis. A simple home remedy for acrocyanosis is this one.

  • Harvest elder bark from its branches.
  • Put 1 tsp of elder bark in a cup of cold water and leave to macerate overnight.
  • Next morning, add another ½ cup of water to it and heat up the tea slightly.
  • Strain and drink ½ cup after each of the 3 main meals of the day.

In time, the limbs will look better and better and the skin coloration will regain its normal, healthy-looking coloring.

Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis – Elder Bark Tea
Elder tea

The Health Uses of Elder Bark

The best time of the year to harvest elder bark is autumn, and only from young trees. Allow the elder bark to dry out in natural sunlight, until it turns a light grey color, white, and smooth on the inside. The main active constituent in elder bark is viburnic acid, similar to valeric acid, which is known to fight off the herpes simplex virus. Elder bark is a strong natural purgative, that cleanses the body from toxins and, in large quantities, can induce vomiting, due to its purging properties. Elder bark has been successfully used in cardiac or renal dropsies, as well as in the treatment of epilepsy.

Complete Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis

Read Also: 10 Health Benefits of Elderflower and How to Use Them at Home

We hope this home remedy for acrocyanosis will help you heal and regain your health back. Trust in your healing process and envision yourself healthy and strong. Much love to you all and stay healthy, naturally!

Home Remedy for Acrocyanosis

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