If you are looking for simple and effective home remedies for radiation burn, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Radiation burn, also known as radiation dermatitis or, in short, radiodermatitis is a skin condition caused by exposure to different types of radiation. The condition is manifested through skin damage as a result of radiation burns. The good news is that there are some effective home remedies for radiation burn that can actually help. Let’s get to them.
In This Article You Will Find:
3 Home Remedies for Radiation Burn
1. Debrisan, the Remedy for Radiation Burn
Clean the burn wound well with s chamomile and calendula infusion or with an ethacridine lactate solution (known on the market as Rivanol) and then let it air dry. Cover the burn with Debrisan and then bandage normally. It’s important to have your hands clean and disinfected before doing this procedure. Change the bandage every 2 days and continue the treatment until you’ve healed completely. Given the fact that Debrisan is a medical drug, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using it.
2. Cabbage Compress, a Home Remedy for Radiation Burn
When the radiation bun wound starts to heal, you can start using cabbage leaves compresses and stop using Debrisan. To make these compresses, cut the think cabbage leaves nervures and press the leaves with a dough roller until the juices start to come out. Apply 3-4 cabbage leaves one on top of the other to make a compress, and continue for the following 2-3 weeks. Change the compress when the leaves have dried. We recommend that when you begin the cabbage leaves treatment you stop any other treatments that you’ve tried before and didn’t have the expected results.
3. Common Comfrey & Birthwort Remedy for Radiodermatitis
Combine equal parts of common comfrey root and birthwort powders and use them in topical poultices overnight. To make the poultice, add a little bit of water to the herbal powders until you obtain a thick paste. Stretch the paste over the burnt surface of the skin and then apply a normal bandage over it to keep it in place. This is one of the most effective home remedies for radiation burn or radiodermatitis.
Read Also: 10 Natural Treatments for Burns
We are positive that these home remedies for radiation burn (radiodermatitis) will help you recover fast and for good. If you’ve enjoyed this information, please share the article so more people can use it. Stay healthy, naturally!