If you are looking for simple and effective home remedies for poor memory, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Poor memory is usually associated with old age, but it can also affect younger people, as memory problems are caused by increased toxicity buildup in the brain. If you don’t cleanse the body regularly, heavy metals, pesticides, synthetic perfumes, synthetic medical drugs, and other toxic chemicals accumulate in the body. When they surpass a certain limit, we can suffer from symptoms such as brain fog, poor memory, forgetfulness, and even more serious forms, such as Alzheimer’s. Thus, before jumping to the home remedies for poor memory, we kindly recommend to you a heavy metals detox and following a predominantly plant-based (if possibly raw) diet.
If you are looking for the best home remedies for poor memory, continue reading this article and discover the most simple yet effective natural remedies for memory problems. Let’s get to them.

In This Article You Will Find:
5 Home Remedies for Poor Memory
1. Home Remedy for Poor Memory with Walnuts
One simple and effective home remedy for poor memory uses walnuts. No wonder the walnut resembles the two brain hemispheres. To prepare it at home, fill an 800 g jar with finely chopped walnuts (not ground) until there is only one inch left from the top. Don’t press them down, and fill the rest of the jae with raw honey. Seal the jar and let it sit for the next 7 days. Mix daily with a wooden spoon. Now that the remedy is ready, have 1 teaspoon after the main meals (3 teaspoons a day in total). One jar should last you for about 2 weeks. Important! This delicious remedy can boost your appetite considerably.

2. Simple Remedies for Memory Problems
Aside from honey, some of the most powerful home remedies for poor memory are other beehive produce. Combine equal parts of bee pollen, seabuckthorn (powder), and raw honey. Have 3 teaspoons of this mix 15 minutes before meal (9 tsp in total). Aditionally, eat 3-5 walnuts a day, and include wild garlic or garlic to your foods. Alongside this remedy, strengthen your memory naturally by drinking rosemary tea. Steep 15 rosemary florets into 50 ml of hot water for 10 minutes. Drink the rosemary tea throughout the day. These are some of the most effective home remedies for poor memory.
3. Calamus Remedy for Week Memory
Calamus (Acorus calamus) is a medicinal plant with tremendous beneficial effects on the central nervous system that helps improve memory. Here are two ways in which you can use the calamus rhizome effectively at home, alongside other remedies or treatments.
- Calamus Infusion. Make an infusion by steeping one teaspoon of calamus rhizome powder in 200 ml of hot water for 20 minutes. Strain and have 4 tablespoons a day.
- Medicinal Wine. Macerate 100 g ground calamus rhizome in 1 liter of red wine for 8 days. Shake the wine every day. Strain and pour the medicinal wine in a sealed glass bottle. Add 3-4 tablespoons of natural acacia honey and give it a good shake. Have one shot (50 ml) of this medicinal wine before the main meals of the day.
These two are amongst the best home remedies for poor memory problems.

4. Sage Remedy for Poor Memory
Sage leaves are very effective in conditions related to the nervous system, as well as for senile neurasthenia. Sage is a wonderful remedy for the brain in general, and here are two most effective home remedies for poor memory with sage. First, soak 2 tablespoons of gorund sage leaves in 500 ml (2 cups) of cold water for 1 hour. Have 50 ml of this cold maceration three times a day, 20 minutes before meals and another round 30 minutes before bedtime.
Another way to use sage leaves is as medicinal wine. Similar to the calamus wine, macerate 100 g of dried sage leaves in 1 liter of strong red wine for 10 days. Place the bottle in direct sunlight, in a warm spot. Shake daily. Strain and pour the medicinal wine in a sealed glass bottle. Have 30 ml three times a day, 30 minutes after each meal. These are two amazing home remedies for poor memory with sage.
5. Elecampane Treatment for Memory Loss
Elecampane (Inula helenium) is one of the best home remedies for poor memory if you use it as follows. Steep a tablespoon of elecampane root in 250 ml (1 cup) of hot water in a thermos, or simply covered. After the tea has cooled down, strain it and add another 250 ml of spring water over the warm tea. Portion the entire tea quantity in three. Have each portion one hour before the three meals of the day. After 2 weeks of treatment, pause for 7-10 days, then resume if necessary.

A Holistic Approach to Poor Memory Problems
Oftentimes, poor memory problems are related to lifestyle choices that really serve us. This is the time to look into our daily habits and change them to support the health of our brain. In addition to the home remedies for poor memory above, here are other simple things that you can do to improve your memory.
- Physical exercise can help learn to breathe correctly and more profoundly. This way, the blood has more oxygen in it and can better irrigate the tissues and organs of the body, including the brain. The brain will perform better and your memory can improve with moderate exercise. Alternate moderate physical activity with rest. Chinese Qigong exercises can be very useful in this situation.
- Most importantly, eat a predominantly plant-based diet, and follow a healthy lifestyle, without excesses of any kind. Alcohol fries the brain, shortens one’s temper and kills natural immunity, so use rarely. More so, detox your body from heavy metals, and avoid unnecessary medical treatments and other synthetic drugs, food additives, GMO foods and scented products (cleaning, cosmetics, odorizers etc).
- Memory can be trained for better performance with mind sport, such as chess, crosswords, puzzle, etc. Play more, and do the things that make you happy. When we are happy, we are healing, no matter what we’re suffering from, as happiness is the natural human state.
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Hope you’ve just found here some useful home remedies for poor memory that will really help you with your memory issues. Relax into the knowing that you too can improve your memory and get back in the best mental shape of your life. You create your reality, never forget that. Stay healthy, naturally!