Looking for home remedies for hiccups? Continue reading this article and find out what they are.
Hiccup is one of the most inoffensive conditions, often times being a simple spasm that goes away in a few minutes. However, if persistent or recurrent, a hiccup can be the underlying symptom of another illness. In this situation, it’s best to consult a doctor right away. We have here for you 5 home remedies for hiccups that actually work. They are simple to make, use basic ingredients, and have proven their efficiency in time. Without further ado, here they are.
In This Article You Will Find:
5 Effective Home Remedies for Hiccup
1. Hiccup Remedy with Dill Seeds
Prepare an unsweetened dill seed tea by adding 1 tbsp of dill seed per 1 cup of hot water. Leave the seeds to infuse for 3 minutes, then the tea is ready. Drink it warm in small sips. You can also take 1 tsp of fresh dill seeds, chew them well and swallow them with a bit of water. Anise or caraway seeds can also be effective in case of a hiccup. Have ½ tsp of crushed anise or caraway seeds with a bit of water.
2. Cinnamon, a Home Remedy for Hiccup
Pour 1 cup of hot water over 3 pinches of cinnamon in a mug and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Drink the cinnamon tea in small sips. It’s best to use still water instead of tap water. In addition to its beneficial almost instant effect, cinnamon makes a great remedy for other health problems as well. We’re talking about circulatory problems, heart illnesses, gums bleeding, or even digestive conditions.
3. Hiccup Remedy with Sugar & Vinegar
Perhaps the simplest natural treatment for hiccups is the following. Dip a sugar cube in vinegar and then drink the sweetened vinegar right away. Vinegar is one of the most effective home remedies for hiccups if you mix it with mustard and apply the paste on the tongue. The hiccup will stop in a few.
4. Cold Water Remedy for Hiccup
Drink 1 cup of water in one big gulp while holding your body in a forward bend position or take a few sips of ice-cold water, while holding your ears covered. You can also add 10-15 drops of rum to a ¼ cup of water and drink the remedy right away.
5. Home Remedies for Hiccup with Herbs
If the hiccup has been triggered after eating a large meal, drinking mint tea will calm down the digestive spasms. In the case the hiccup comes out of nowhere, valerian root tea is a great option. Valerian is known as being a very powerful natural sedative. Hence, if the hiccup comes as a nervous impulse, a soporific herbal tea such as valerian root or basil are great home remedies for a hiccup on the spot.
What to Do in Case of a Persistent Hiccup?
First off, the best thing to do is to perform a set of blood tests to see if you’re potassium deficient. In many cases, the persistent hiccup is treated with potassium supplements, but before medicating yourself, check if this is your case.
- Vitamin C is also a great supplement you can take for hiccups.
- Consult with a neurologist because persistent hiccups may be a neurological response to an underlying health problem.
- Acupuncture has also proven to be effective for persistent hiccups. The solar plexus area is the one that controls hiccups, so that’s the area that the acupuncture specialist will pay special attention to. Usually, after 2 acupuncture sessions, the hiccup will be history.
- Foods to Avoid. What you can do on the spot is to avoid pickles, spicy and smoked foods, animal fats, and fermented foods in general. They can cause discomfort to the digestive tract and trigger unpleasant hiccup episodes.
3 Folk Remedies for Hiccup
A couple of folk remedies for hiccups are the following.
- Hold your breath and touch the tip of your thumb and pinky for each hand, thus forming 2 small circles. It is said that this folk remedy is very efficient for the hiccup and it doesn’t cost too much either.
- An old Russian folk cure for hiccup may sound strange, but they say it works.
- Put a knife on the nose bridge and look at the knife without blinking. Do this until the hiccup stops. It’s worth giving a shot.
We sure hope that these 5 home remedies for hiccups and the few pieces of advice we gave you will help you treat hiccups fast and easy. Trust in the power of plants and their amazing action and they will pay your trust back. Stay healthy, naturally!