Home Cures 6 Best Herbs for Chemotherapy Side Effects

6 Best Herbs for Chemotherapy Side Effects

by Andreea Laza

Want to know what are the best herbs for chemotherapy side effects and how to use them at home? Continue reading.

Chemotherapy involves the use of poisons that kill cancer cells, but healthy cells are also destroyed, especially those in the spinal cord and those of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause diseases of the internal organs, liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart. In the first phase, chemotherapy and radiation reduce the size of the tumors, but prolonging the treatment does not, however, lead to the destruction of the tumors. Here are the best herbs for chemotherapy side effects and how they work on reducing the toxic load and supporting the body after chemo. Let’s get straight to them.

6 Best Herbs for Chemotherapy Side Effects - MyNaturalTreatment.com

6 Best Herbs for Chemotherapy Side Effects

1. Milk Thistle

(Silybum marianum)

First of all, milk thistle protects the liver from the destructive action of strong toxins and alcohol. It boosts liver tissue regeneration, being a powerful antioxidant. But even more, milk thistle is one of the best herbs for chemotherapy side effects, as it is a powerful liver detoxifier. Milk thistle is used for:

  • liver and bile problems (hepatitis, liver failure, gallstones, biliary dyskinesia, liver cirrhosis, and chronic liver infections)
  • spleen conditions
  • lack of appetite and difficult digestion
  • mushroom poisoning as adjuvant (due to alpha-amanitin and phalloidin)
  • toxic poisoning as adjuvant (lead, ethanol, carbon tetrachloride, drugs that affect liver function)
  • reducing chemotherapy side effects and adjuvant in cancer (studies have shown maximum efficiency in stopping the proliferation of liver, prostate, colon, lung, skin, breast, and ovarian cancer cells)

2. Peony

(Paeonia officinalis)

Peony can reduce the chemotherapy side effects, especially nausea and vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, or weight loss. Both the petals (flowers) and the peony root are used in this case. Peony root contains essential oils and substances with a sedative and antispasmodic effect with exceptional virtues, for this reason, it is used to treat nervous system conditions: epilepsy, hysteria, coughs, or convulsions. Peony petals have a low degree of toxicity, therefore internally are used in small quantities, and only in combination with other medicinal plants. Do not exceed a teaspoon of peony petals for internal use. Peony is indeed the underdog among the herbs for chemotherapy side effects.

3. Barberry Root

(Berberis vulgaris)

Barberry is not only one of the best natural alternatives to statins but also one of the most powerful herbs for chemotherapy side effects. Barberry contains numerous alkaloids such as berberine, oxyacanthine, berbamine, palmatine, iotrorizine, vitamin C, resins, and tannins. Barberry bark from the roots especially has choleretic, cholagogic, stomachic, febrifuge, vasodilator, and hypotensive, cytostatic properties.

It is used for jaundice, constipation, kidney conditions, stomach pain, liver and bile conditions, anorexia, gout, colic cystitis, adjuvant for chemotherapy, metrorrhagia, nephritis, tuberculosis, etc – as an infusion or decoction from the root and bark, or as root or bark tincture. Exceeding the doses recommended by the naturopath can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, convulsions, and a drastic drop in blood pressure. This herb is not recommended for pregnant women, during breastfeeding, and for children.

4. Ginger

(Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is among the most effective remedies against motion sickness and stomach aches. The chemical compounds that give ginger its lemony taste, especially gingerol and shogaol, reduce intestinal contractions, neutralize digestive acids, and inhibit the “vomit center”, located in the brain. Doctors often recommend ginger to prevent nausea, because, unlike classic drugs, it does not cause drowsiness.

Ginger is also used to reduce post-surgery nausea and chemotherapy side effects (especially nausea and vomiting), making it one of the best herbs for chemotherapy side effects. Studies show that ginger tea reduces the risk of gastrointestinal, colorectal, and ovarian cancer and weakens the resistance of cancer cells to specific treatments, especially chemotherapy. The recommended dosage is about 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger (powder), a 1 cm piece of fresh ginger, or ginger capsules.

5. Astragalus

(Astragalus dasyanthus Pall)

All parts of the astragalus plant are used as part of the therapy of malignant or benign tumors, during the recovery period after surgery, or after chemotherapy. Steep a spoonful of a mixture of equal parts of astragalus root, celandine leaves, geranium leaves (with red flowers), and calendula flowers in one cup of boiling water in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink one teaspoon of this concentrated tea every 3 hours for 6-8 months. Or, use astragalus root tincture, preferably a glycerinated extract. It is one of the most powerful herbs for chemotherapy side effects.

6. Rose Geranium

 (Pelargonium graveolens)

Last but not least, red geranium is one of the least-known herbs for chemotherapy side effects. The medicinal parts of geranium are the leaves, flowers, and roots, which have a rich content in starch, fatty acids, salts, tannins, vitamin C, and, very importantly, flavonoids. The latter is a class of metabolites with excellent antioxidant properties, effective in preventing and even treating various forms of cancer. 

To eliminate toxins from the body after chemotherapy or cytostatics, steep 3 finely chopped round geranium leaves in 250 ml/ 1 cup of boiling water. Steep until the tea cools. Very importantly, drink this tea throughout the day, one sip every hour. Under no circumstances should you drink the whole cup of tea at once!!! Geranium is a top chemotherapy herbs.

Geranium Benefits - Health Benefits of Geranium with Recipes and How to Use - NaturalTreatment.com

How to Use Royal Jelly During Chemotherapy

In addition to these herbs for chemotherapy side effects, royal jelly is an honorable mention, as it not only reduces chemotherapy side effects but also potentiates the action of cancer drugs and treatments. How? Royal jelly directly influences the DNA of malignant cells, having a powerful antitumor effect, inhibiting tumors at a higher rate when administered, both prophylactically (before surgery/treatment) and therapeutically. It acts not only as an antitumor but also as a regulator of blood cell production (leukocytes, red blood cells, etc.).

At the right dosage (2-4 g or raw royal jelly/day on average), blood test results and the general condition during chemotherapy are normalized. Thus, people undergoing chemotherapy can use royal jelly, which largely relieves sometimes devastating effects, and allows the continuation of conventional oncological treatment. The combination of propolis and royal jelly is even more effective.

Raw royal jelly is the one that has not undergone any thermic processing, is kept in the refrigerator, and is more potent than processed ones. Processed royal jelly products are sold as capsules, or solutions, and do not require refrigeration. Opt for raw royal jelly if you can.

Foods to Avoid During Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is very toxic for the body, which needs our full support on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. That is why, the negative side effects of chemo can be greatly reduced with the abovementioned herbs for chemotherapy and, extremely importantly, through diet. A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits uncooked (the enzymes are destroyed above 40°C/104°F), legumes, beans, gluten-free grains, and low in animal products and fats is what the body needs to get back stronger. Superfoods (aloe, spirulina, pollen, propolis, echinacea, fresh juices, carotenoids, etc.) are also great at supporting the immune system.

  • processed beat sugar and sugar substitutes (such as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc., produced with aspartame) feed cancer cells – natural substitutes for sugar are raw honey, maple syrup, dates/date syrup or sugar, and coconut sugar.
  • milk produces mucus in the gastrointestinal tract, and cancer cells feed on mucus – replace it with unsweetened homemade almond or coconut milk (but consumed in small quantities as it contains a lot of fat).
  • eggs feed viruses (the main cause of cancer is an aggressive form of the Epstein-Barr virus) – they should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • gluten feeds bugs and bacteria and should be avoided at all costs – replace with brown rice, millet, gluten-free oats, quinoa, chickpea flour, pea flour, etc.
  • meat contains growth hormones, antibiotics, and parasites and should not be eaten during chemo (you can rarely eat organic chicken meat)
  • farmed fish is loaded with many antibiotics and growth hormones and often grown in an unhealthy environment – opt for wild-caught fish such as salmon, trout, and small ocean fish that do not have mercury in them unlike large ocean fish – sardines, herring, which preferred. Avoid raw fish!
  • GMOs – corn, soy, and canola crops are mostly GMO, and it’s best to avoid them during chemo, as well as other GMO foods, such as seedless fruit and vegetables.
  • food additives such as MSG, natural flavors, artificial sugar substitutes, and food coloring must be eliminated.
  • coffee, green or black teas, guarana, mate, matcha, cocoa, and chocolate must be eliminated because they contain caffeine and increase adrenaline in the blood (raises the level of stress in the body) – replace caffeinated drinks with herbal teas (chicory or dandelion root), fresh fruit juices or lemon water with raw honey in the morning.
  • alcohol is very bad for the body as it shuts down the immune system and opens a portal for negative entities (thus the name spirits) – avoid alcohol at all costs!
  • table salt contains synthetic iodine, anti-caking agents, and possibly other dangerous additives – replace it with Celtic salt or Himalayan salt without chemical additives.
  • water & hydration must be pure spring water, purified, filtered, or distilled to avoid toxins and heavy metals that come through the supply pipes. To bring distilled water to life, squeeze half a lemon into it. Fresh vegetable juices (especially carrot juice) provide the necessary enzymes that are easy to absorb and by the healthy body cells.
  • air – fresh air is healing for the body and cleansing at the cellular levels – if you can take walks in pine or fir forests, or just spend some time in these forests, this air will help cleanse the lungs and support healing.

Read Also: The Absolute Best Cancer-Fighting Food

During chemotherapy, the immune system must be supported, because when the body has too many toxins accumulated, the immune system is compromised and the risk of death caused by all kinds of infections and complications is increased. If you enjoyed learning about the best herbs for chemotherapy side effects and the foods to avoid during chemo with their replacements, please share this article. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Best Herbs for Chemotherapy Side Effects - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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