Home Healing Foods The Absolute Best Cancer-Fighting Food

The Absolute Best Cancer-Fighting Food

by Andreea Laza

Looking for the absolute best cancer-fighting food? Keep scrolling and find out what that is and why. But first.

A few decades ago, this vegetable was still one of the most important foods – relatively cheap and often the only vegetable available in the markets during the winter. That’s why it was often called “the food of the poor”. But last century’s food of the poor has become a first-line cancer-fighting food. We’re talking about cabbage, the absolute best anti-cancer food. But before we tell you why cabbage is the absolute best food for cancer, let’s take a closer look at all of its close cousins.

The Absolute Best Cancer-Fighting Food - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Best Cancer-Fighting Foods

Cabbage is the generic name for cruciferous vegetables, which includes white cabbage, red cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, kale, and even cauliflower, and kohlrabi. These are the very best cancer-fighting foods.

  • White and red cabbage are on top of the list when it comes to their vitamin C content. To make a comparison: 100 g of lemon contains approximately 53 mg of vitamin C, and 100 g of cabbage contains 150 mg of vitamin C. The calcium content is phenomenal, namely 230 mg of calcium per 100 g of cabbage, double the amount in milk. Cabbage is also loaded with potassium (500 mg per 100 g), which is a natural body fortifier, speeding up healing.
  • Savoy cabbage and broccoli are champions in terms of nutrient density (the ratio between vitamins, minerals, and the number of calories in a food). Both the broccoli florets and the stems can be consumed.
  • Brussels sprouts – the miniature cabbage are a particularly fine variant of the cruciferous vegetable family.
  • Bok choy– a Chinese cabbage variety that does not form heads and resembles spinach leaves and can be eaten both raw and cooked.
  • Kohlrabi – the most peculiar member of the cabbage family, can be eaten both raw and cooked. The leaves of the kohlrabi can also be used in cooking, just like cabbage leaves.
  • Sour cabbage or sauerkraut – in addition to fiber, enzymes, and lactic acid, sour cabbage contains 200 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. It helps build up good gut bacteria and the body’s natural immunity. Can also be eaten raw, as a salad, or used in the preparation of nutritious dishes.

Note! Most cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, so they can often cause bloating. That is why, when cooking them we recommend using cumin seeds.

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Why Is Cabbage The Ultimate Cancer-Fighting Food?

In addition to high quantities of Vitamin C, cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin A, good for the immune system, and vitamin B, a nervous system fortifier. More so, it is also loaded with folic acid which helps build new healthy cells and speed up healing. In addition to calcium and potassium, cabbage is also rich in minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. But on top of all these nutrients that support natural immunity and fight cancer, cabbage and cruciferous vegetables in general, contain three major constituents that are known for their cancer-fighting properties.

  1. Glucosinolate

This “green miracle” has the highest protection factor against cancer and is what gives cruciferous vegetables the specific taste and smell. The sulfur-rich substances in cruciferous vegetables are called glucosinolates. These compounds have particularly strong antibiotic and anti-cancer properties, but only when you eat these vegetables raw. To help activate the glucosinolates in these vegetables, finely them (by cutting, grating, or squeezing).

  1. Sulforaphane

The other key cancer-fighting substance present in raw cabbage not only accelerates detoxification processes but can even trigger the programmed death of cancer cells. This process is called apoptosis and helps the body eliminate cells that are no longer functional or dead cells. But cancer cells bypass this process and thus continue to thrive. However, recent studies show that sulforaphane induces cancer cell apoptosis and fights ovarian cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, rhabdomyosarcoma, and many others. More so, it is a cancer chemopreventive compound. It can also have strong bactericidal properties against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, responsible for gastric ulcers, and reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

  1. Indole-3-carbinol

The protective properties of glucosinolates are further enhanced by another natural substance in cruciferous vegetables called indole-3-carbinol. This natural compound has strong regulating properties on the metabolism of estrogens. Yes, this is a plant hormone combatting cancer. Consequently, regular consumption of cabbage can reduce the risk of breast cancer, but not just that, also prostate cancer and other types of cancer. This is enough scientific proof that cabbage and cruciferous vegetables are the absolute best cancer-fighting foods. Now let’s see hot to consume cabbage to heal and prevent cancer.

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How to Eat Cabbage to Fight and Prevent Cancer?

To help the glucosinolates break down and start the healing process, cabbage and cruciferous vegetables must be eaten raw. Chop them finely and chew very well before each swallowing. The cancer-fighting substances in cruciferous vegetables do not tolerate heat, so, if you want to use them for healing or prevention, do not cook them. Almost all cabbage varieties abovementioned can be eaten raw, in salads. In addition, sipping on fresh cabbage juice throughout the day can help.

Read Also: 3 Powerful Home Remedies for Cancer (All Types) that Work

Now you know what is the absolute best cancer-fighting food in the world because there is enough scientific evidence to support this claim. If you’ve enjoyed learning about the best foods for cancer and how to use them to prevent cancer, share this article so more people can use this information.

The Absolute Best Cancer-Fighting Food - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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