Home Herbs Powerful Herbal Tea for Weight Loss – 4 Amazing Recipes

Powerful Herbal Tea for Weight Loss – 4 Amazing Recipes

by Andreea Laza

Looking for a powerful herbal tea for weight loss? Continue reading this article and find out how to make your weight loss tea.

In addition to their therapeutic effects, the medicinal plants in the herbal teas below also have the power to eliminate toxins, suppress appetite, and thus help you lose weight. If you’re looking for a powerful herbal tea for weight loss, continue reading this article and find out how to make your delicious weight loss tea.

Powerful Herbal Tea for Weight Loss - 4 Amazing Recipes - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Amazing Herbal Tea for Weight Loss – 4 Recipes

1. Herbal Tea for Weight Loss

Especially good for constipation and congestion

The plants used in this weight loss tea contain mucilage, which swells and creates the feeling of satiety and reduces hunger. This herbal tea is ideal if you suffer from constipation, as constipation slows down the regeneration mechanism of the body, and thus fats accumulate in the cells and then in the adipose layer of the skin while poisoning the body with organic residues. Even more, this weight loss tea also calms the nervous system.


Prepare an infusion by steeping a teaspoon of the herbal blend into a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Drink one cup in the morning and another one in the evening, before meals. To favor the detoxification of the body even more, consume 2 liters of liquids daily (1/2 liter in the morning on an empty stomach), as well as teas, and do light exercise (walking, rebounding).

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2. Herbal Tea for Weight Loss

Ideal if you suffer from water retention/edema

Fluid retention (water weight) is manifested by swollen eyelids and fingers, especially when waking up in the morning, heavy legs with swollen ankles, and even bone pain. The cause of water retention is an overburdened liver. The liquid that is trapped between the cells gives rise to edema, reduces the intake of oxygen and nutrients, and thus favors cellulite. The following herbal tea for weight loss is especially for those suffering from edema.


Mix the root and seeds separately from the leaves of the herbs, as they will be infused separately and then combined at the end. Macerate 1/2 tsp of the roots and seeds in one cup of room temperature water overnight. Next morning, bring to a boil, turn off the heat, and add 1/2 tsp of the leaves mix. Cover and steep for 15 minutes, then strain. Allow to cool a bit and drink one cup in the morning and another one in the evening.

In addition, put one teaspoon of psyllium seeds in a cup of water at room temperature in the morning and drink it in the evening. You will see mucilage formed, which does not taste good but is particularly effective in weight loss.

3. Herbal Tea for Weight Loss

Especially for poor blood flow

Poor blood circulation is caused by thickened and toxic blood. If blood flow from the extremities to the heart is deficient, the blood stays at the level of the calves and dilates the walls of the veins, even breaking them. This is how varicose veins and cellulite appear. The organic residues of water and fat accumulate, and the tissue is no longer oxygenated normally where the blood circulation is slowed down. leading to unwanted weight gain. The following herbal tea for weight loss is especially for that.


Prepare an infusion in the morning, by steeping a tablespoon and a half of the herbal mixture to 1 liter (4 cups) of boiling water. Cover and strain after it cools down. Drink this tea throughout the day instead of water.

Cherry Stem - Powerful Herbal Tea for Weight Loss - 4 Amazing Recipes - MyNaturalTreatment.com

4. Herbal Tea for Weight Loss

This detox herbal tea for weight loss helps the liver cleanse, as mouse-ear hawkweed is a mild diuretic and powerful antioxidant, dulse is great at removing heavy metals and other toxicity, while dandelion is one of the best liver detox herbs. This makes the following herbal tea an amazing aid in weight loss.


Steep one teaspoon of the mixture to a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink cups of this infusion a day after the main meals.

Good to Know

For best results, continue drinking one of the herbal teas for weight loss for 3-4 weeks. When appropriate, sweeten the tea with raw honey. Please follow the exact dosages and herbal combinations.

Read Also: Magical Tea Recipe for Weight Loss

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Powerful Herbal Tea for Weight Loss - 4 Amazing Recipes - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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