Want to learn about the health uses of salt and how to use salt for health problems? Continue reading this article and find out.
One of the earliest known medical treatises, Peg-Tzao-Kan-Mu, written 2700 years BC, mentions no less than 40 types of salt, each with its specfic health recommendations, use and specific benefits. In Romanian folk medicine, there are over a hundred therapeutic and, above all, magical uses of salt, as salt not just a condiment, but considered a panacea against evil spirits. If you want to learn more about the health uses of salt, continue reading. But first, let’s what types of salt have beneficial properties.

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What Salt To Use for Remedies?
For remedies use only natural coarse salt, such as coarse mine salt (or Himalayan salt) and sea salt (for instance, Celtic salt). This type of salt contains more than 80 minerals in addition to sodium chloride and possesses numerous therapeutic properties. Avoid table salt or refined salt, as they contain added chemicals such as anti-caking agents (sodium ferrocyanide), and synthetic iodine additives.
Health Benefits of Salt
Around 500 years ago, the famous physician and alchemist of the Middle Ages, Paracelsus, observed in one of his treatise that digestion and excretion are greatly disturbed by the absence of salt in the diet. Indeed, natural salt has a the ability to stimulate the gastric juices, and is an an excellent activator of gastrointestinal peristalsis, provided it is consumed in moderation. Topically, salt greately reduces pain and inflammation, and it has been traditionally used to fill sachets that were applied to the sore areas, similar to poultices. Salt gargles are simple and effective way to clean your mouth, gums and teeth, just like mouthwash. Now let’s look into the most important health uses of salt with applications.
7 Health Uses of Salt – Internal Use
- Difficult Digestion, Constipation, Body Weakness, or Underweight – eat your foods seasoned with natural rock salt or sea salt, which have a much more intense taste (you don’t need as much compared to table salt). This is one of the key health uses of salt.
- Low Blood Pressure and Heart Arrhythmia – take a pinch of natural sea salt (approximately 0.25 g) with a cup (250-300 ml) of plain water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is a long-term treatment (6 months). For best results, associate with a predominantly plant-based diet.
- Osteoporosis and Muscle Cramps – season your food exclusively with non-iodized rock salt, which is very rich in trace elements involved in calcium assimilation processes. This is one of the less-known health uses of salt.
- Poisoning (Substances Taken Orally) – dissolve a spoonful of natural salt in 1.5 liters (6 cups) of warm water and gulp down quickly while holding your breath. Immediately after ingestion, you will have a strong urge to vomit. To empty the contents of the stomach, bend forward, tickle your soft palate with your ring finger, and press your stomach strongly with the other hand. This is an easy way to induce vomiting after ingesting something poisonous.
- Persistent Cough and Dry Cough – put a few granules of rock salt on your tongue and hold them for as long as possible (no more than a small pinch). The cough will stop due to two things: you will start salivating abundantly, and the central nervous system is directly stimulated, through the taste buds. This is one of the easiest health uses of salt.
- Sore Throat (Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis) – put two teaspoons of natural salt in a cup of hot water, then mix well with a teaspoon until the salt dissolves completely. Gargle with this hot salted water (as hot as possible) allowing the salty water to reach deep inside the throat as much as possible. Repeat 2-3 times a day, until no more sore throat.
- Stuffy Nose, Chronic Rhinitis, and Sinusitis – prepare a saline solution by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm distilled water or boiled and chilled spring water. Put salt water in a teaspoon and draw the water alternately through your left and right nostrils. Or use a nasal irrigator for nasal washes (neti pot). You can repeat the process every morning, to drain the airways, remove excess mucus, and regain the sense of smell.
5 Health Uses of Salt – Topical Use
- Rheumatic Pain, Intestinal Cramps, Menstrual Cramps, and Sinusitis – fill a canvas sachet with hot salt (heat the salt in a metal container and never microwave) and apply to the painful area (on the lower abdomen, in the case of menstrual pains, around swollen wrists and legs, in the case of rheumatic pain, on the forehead and nose, in the case of sinusitis). Keep the sachet for at least half an hour. The salt must remain hot, and if it turns cold, it must be replaced or reheated. After removing the sachet, keep yourself warm for at least two hours.
- Kidney Stones and Pain – prepare the same salt sachet as above, but this time place it on a heater or other heat source so that it reaches 50-60°C/122-140°F. Apply on the lumbar area for half an hour. This is one of the most effective health uses of salt.
- Skin Ulcerations – mix 1/2 teaspoon of natural salt with 2 tablespoons of honey and combine well until homogenized. Apply to the affected skin areas. The results are amazing, this being an ancient remedy mentioned in Greek medical treatises.
- Burns (1st and 2nd degree) – sprinkle plenty of coarse salt on the burnt areas. This will sting temporarily, but will help the edema reduce greatly, and heal the skin considerably faster. Do not apply salt to serious burns, with an open wound, as it produces an unbearable sting!!!
- Fatigue – a Romanian folk remedy for fatigue is to put a sachet filled with warm salt on the back of the neck. According to the local folk tradition, placing a sachet of warm salt in the baby’s cradle prevents insomnia and promotes sound sleep, while putting a salt sachet between clothes in the closet, would boost their durability and protect against the evil eye.

Energy Cleansing with Salt
In addition to the health benefits of salt abovementioned, salt is also an excellent way to purify the human aura, because similar to water, salt absorbs harmful energetic radiation, thus cleaning the areas from bad energies. Here are some practical ways to use salt for energy cleansing:
- Place a few large rock salt crystals or a salt lamp close to your bed, or office (for example, between you and the computer), as salt rocks absorb electrical radiation and mitigate their harmful effects.
- Jewels, especially old ones, are said to carry with them many of the negative energies of those who have worn them over time. To cleanse them, soak them in a bowl with rock or sea salt for at least 49 days before wearing them.
- Cleanse your crystals or semi-precious stones by keeping them in rock salt for 48 hours.
Salt Use Safety and Precautions (Internal Use)
Massive salt intake is not recommended in cases of high blood pressure and severe thrombosis, as well as in the acute phases of hyperacid gastritis, and gastroduodenal ulcers. Salt baths are not recommended for individuals suffering from cardiovascular conditions. Ideally, when taking a hot salt bath is best to not be alone at home. In some individuals, salt baths may cause skin irritation.
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