Home Healing Foods 7 Unexpected Health Uses of Quince

7 Unexpected Health Uses of Quince

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn about the unexpected health uses of quince and how to use quince as medicine at home? Continue reading this article and find out.

Quince (Cydonia oblonga) is a fruit-bearing tree from the Rosa­ceae family. Quinces are the quintessential fruits of autumn, the last ones left in the garden, shining like golden globes under the blue October sky. Hildegard von Bingen wrote that quinces are good for both the sick and healthy because they cleanse the body of poisons. Placed around the house, their perfume brings about nostalgic memories of winter holidays and evokes the tender atmosphere of Christmas. Here are some of the most unexpected health uses of quince.

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Quince Health Uses

Quinces are harvested in late autumn, and can be stored for a long time, which does not harm them, but, on the contrary, improves their slightly astringent taste. The quince pulp contains simple sugars (fructose and glucose), easily assimilated into the body. They also contain water-soluble vitamins (B, C, PP), organic acids, minerals (mainly potassium), cellulose, and pectins. (Pectins, along with cellulose, are the main constituents of dietary fibers, highly valued today in the treatment of digestive system conditions.) Quince leaves contain tannins, while quince seeds are loaded with healing mucilages. Now let’s get to the less-known health uses of quince.

7 Unexpected Health Uses of Quince

The active principles in quince pulp, seeds, leaves, and flowers have powerful anti-inflammatory, astringent, and stimulating action on the digestion system, liver, and pancreas. They are soothing for the skin and mucous, and their uses in traditional medicine are numerous and diverse. Here are some of the less-known health uses of quinces and how to use them at home.

  1. Non-Infectious Diarrhea – boiled or baked and pureed quince pulp is amazing in this case, due to its high content of pectins, which gel the fecal bowl. Instead of the puree, you can also juice fresh quince and drink two cups of this juice a day. If the diarrhea is chronic, this can lead to dehydration, in which case, you can also drink quince leaves decoction (2 cups a day, sweetened with raw honey to taste). For children, the remedy for diarrhea is a cup of fresh quince juice, 2 times a day. This is one of the most popular health uses of quince.
  2. Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, Poor Intestinal Peristalsis, Vomiting, and Hemorrhoids – consume fresh quinces or a quince decoction. To make the decoction, grate a quince and boil it in one liter of water, until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain and divide into 2 or 3 portions, and drink during the day.
  3. Gout and Rheumatic Pain – one or two boiled quinces daily or as jelly (jam) is a very good remedy for gout and diarrhea, but also for relieving rheumatic pains and throat inflammation. Additionally, make a tea with quince peels and a teaspoon of greater plantain.
  4. Whooping Cough – you can either drink an infusion made with 30 g of dried quince flowers or 50 g of dried and chopped quince leaves. Steep the infusion for 20 minutes, in one liter of hot water and drink gradually, throughout the day. This is one of the less-known health uses of quince.
  5. Acute Enteritis, Liver or Pancreatic Failure, Uterine Bleeding – cut an unpeeled quince into thin slices, and boil in one liter of water until the liquid drops to half. Strain and sweeten with 50 g of raw honey. Drink the quince decoction in 3 portions during the day – in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. This can also be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
  6. Skin Conditions – One of the least known health uses of quince is for skin conditions, open wounds, and skin lesions. Boil one quince, mash it, and mix it with 30 g of yarrow and 30 g of mallow (finely chopped/minced), and spread the poultice on the affected areas of the skin, once or twice a day.
  7. Natural Skin Care – Quince juice is much more effective in cleansing the face than lemon juice, which is more commonly used. You can use it alternately with lemon juice to wipe clean your face before applying a natural face cream.

Traditional and Ancient Uses of Quince

As early as 4000 years ago, the quince tree was cultivated on the island of Crete, especially in the region around the city which at that time was called Cydon, hence the scientific name of quince “Cydonia“. In Ancient Greece, quince was a symbol of love and fertility and was dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. They called it “chrysomela“, which means “golden apple“.

Quince was considered a symbol of fertility and love in many ancient cultures.

There still is the custom of offering a quince to the young bride as a wedding gift in some parts of Europe. Its sweet perfume symbolizes the beautiful moments of the future marriage, while its astringent taste is an allusion to the inevitable sufferings that will arise throughout married life. The practice of burning dried quince peels and flowers is still performed as a means to purify the home after a painful event, to attract prosperity and fertility.

More Quince Remedies:
5 Healing Recipes with Quince
Quince Leaf Tea
Quince Leaf Tincture
Quince Seed Maceration

Quinces are not just a super-delicious ingredient in jams and jellies, but also an amazing home medicine if you know how to use them. If you’ve enjoyed learning about the health uses of quince and how to use quince as medicine, please share this article. Stay healthy, naturally!

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