Home Healing Foods 9 Health Benefits of Cantaloupe & How to Eat Cantaloupe to Heal

9 Health Benefits of Cantaloupe & How to Eat Cantaloupe to Heal

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn about the health benefits of cantaloupe? Continue reading this article and find out how to use cantaloupe as medicine. But first.

Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) is one of the most delicious summer fruits there is. And not only that it’s delicious, but it’s also one of the most healing summer fruits you can have. But before we show you some amazing health benefits of cantaloupe and how to use cantaloupe to fight various illnesses, here is the short history of cantaloupe.

Cantaloupe Uses - Health Benefits of Cantaloupe & How to Eat Cantaloupe to Heal - NaturalTreatment.com

The Origins of Cantaloupe

The origin of cantaloupe is quite controversial, some researchers argue that it comes from India, and others that it originated from the Middle East, from the territory of present-day Iran. One thing is certain, however: the tradition of cultivating the cantaloupe, as well as its cousin, watermelon, goes back no less than four millennia. Cantaloupe is so important in the Middle East, that the Prophet Muhammad himself mentioned it in the Koran, calling it the first of the fruits of Paradise. He also mentioned that those believers who consumed it will receive not only much joy but also many blessings.

The Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Take three hundred grams of cantaloupe, peeled and cut into slices, and put it in a mixer, to which 2-3 teaspoons of honey are added. This entire mixture is mixed and a nectar of a yellow color is obtained, extremely intoxicating, which can be consumed as a tonic and refreshment.

Compared to watermelon, cantaloupe is much richer in vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin A, the latter being the one that gives the appetizing yellow color to this fruit. Both cantaloupe and watermelon contain significant amounts of potassium. For this reason, they are both recommended for consumption to help reduce the amount of sodium in the body, which has beneficial effects on the heart and the immune system, in particular.

  • Vitamin A – along with the sea buckthorn berries (the richest fruits in vitamin A) and the apricot, the cantaloupe contains among the highest amounts of vitamin A, actually provitamin A, which the body transforms into vitamin A, through digestion processes.
  • Vitamin C – pepenele galben contine de peste patru ori mai multa vitamina C decat cel rosu,
  • Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 is paramount as is involved in the assimilation of magnesium, helps eliminate extra water from tissues, and maintains the integrity and functionality of the nervous system (autism, schizophrenia), as well as the health of joints and tendons.

A single cantaloupe, weighing one kilogram, provides almost 300% of an adult’s daily requirement of vitamin A, while half a kilogram of cantaloupe contains almost 40% of the body’s requirement of vitamin B6.

How to Eat Cantaloupe to Heal

To enjoy its beneficial, and healing properties, cantaloupe is consumed in the same quantities and in the same way as watermelon, only that most of the healing effects will be more intense since the amounts of nutrients are much higher in cantaloupe compared to watermelon. That is, around 1-2 kilograms of cantaloupe daily, in several portions, approximately 30 minutes before the main meals.

The only drawback of eating cantaloupe is that, when consumed in excess, it can cause digestive intolerance, among other things, due to its very strong flavor, which not all people prefer in large quantities and repeatedly. For this reason, it is beneficial to alternate eating cantaloupe with watermelon when they are in season.

9 Cantaloupe Uses for Health

  1. High Blood Pressure & Cardiac Arrhythmia – one kilogram (6 cups) of cantaloupe per day over the course of several weeks will provide the body with 110% of the daily requirement of assimilable potassium. At the same time, cantaloupe drastically reduces sodium in the diet, as it washes it out of the body with the help of the organic water and diuretic substances in cantaloupe. Thus, the massive intake of this fruit will regulate blood pressure and heart rate.
  2. Eye Fatigue & Reduced Visual Acuity – have 500 grams (3 cups) of fresh cantaloupe per day over the course of at least six weeks. The pigments in cantaloupe help to maintain visual acuity and protect the eyes from a lot of other ailments, such as cataracts or glaucoma.
  3. Macular Degeneration – cantaloupe is one of the richest foods in vitamin A, and can be consumed in large quantities to prevent macular degeneration. A study conducted on no less than 50,000 women found that a massive intake of vitamin A from natural sources, i.e. from food, reduces the risk of macular degeneration by no less than 40%.
  4. High Cholesterol and Triglycerides – one kilogram (6 cups) of cantaloupe per day over the course of four weeks. The dietary fibers in cantaloupe effectively prevent the assimilation of saturated fats, while the massive supply of vitamin A from this fruit prevents the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Diabetes – moderate amounts (300-500 grams/2-3 cups) of cantaloupe daily, when in season helps prevent diabetes. The reason is cantaloupe is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, B, and C which help maintain the metabolic balance necessary for diabetes, protecting the body from complications involving the nervous system, arteries, eyes, and kidneys.
  6. Skin Conditions (Dermatoses) – the cooling and anti-inflammatory effect of cantaloupe makes it especially healing for skin conditions with violent manifestations, such as allergies, infectious dermatoses, accompanied by stinging and itching, etc. In this case, consume at least 500 g (3 cups) of fresh cantaloupe daily for 10-12 days, while reducing or cutting out meat, eggs, dairy, fats, and processed foods. To intensify the healing processes, you can take 1 teaspoon of heartsease powder (Viola tricolor) three times a day on an empty stomach, with a little water.
  7. Weight Loss – although it is almost 15% richer in calories than watermelon, when well ripe, cantaloupe has another very important beneficial effect: it quickly cuts the feeling of hunger. Thus, consumed before the meal, even in moderate quantities (300-500 grams/2-3 cups), cantaloupe is your ally against overeating, helping you to lose weight naturally and with a minimum of effort.
  8. Fever & Infectious Conditions Accompanied by Fever – cantaloupe nectar is a real natural tonic when it is used by people with high fever or inflammatory manifestations (including at the skin level). Cantaloupe mixed with a little honey is very refreshing for those having a high fever, thanks to the massive intake of vitamin C it provides, being also a support for the cardiovascular system, paramount when the body temperature is very high.
  9. Collagenosis – due to its strong detoxifying effect, but also that of regulating the activity of the immune system, cantaloupe nectar is recommended, drunk in large quantities. It is a very good adjunct to herbal treatments.

To make cantaloupe nectar, blend 300 g of cantaloupe with 2-3 teaspoons of raw honey into a paste, which can be consumed as a tonic and refreshment.

Cantaloupe Uses - Health Benefits of Cantaloupe & How to Eat Cantaloupe to Heal - NaturalTreatment.com

Natural Skin Care with Cantaloupe

One of the less-known cantaloupe benefits is for withered or dry skin, due to its natural moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. For this, gently massage your skin with fresh cantaloupe juice or apply thin slices of cantaloupe on your face and keep for 15-20 minutes. Another one of the health benefits of cantaloupe is that it effectively treats irritated skin, by applying thin slices of cantaloupe that have been previously kept in the refrigerator. This natural skin care is also very effective for soothing skin inflammation and burning sensations on the skin.

Cantaloupe Side Effects

Both watermelon and cantaloupe are generally very well tolerated by the body and do not have any adverse reactions or side effects. In case you are suffering from fermentation colitis, acute or chronic diarrhea, and/or hyper-acid gastritis start by eating cantaloupe with caution, in small quantities at the beginning to not exacerbate these disorders. If you have slow or poor digestion, do not combine cantaloupe with animal products at the same meal, because it can cause indigestion. Fruits should always be eaten separately.

Read Also: 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon & How to Use

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9 Health Benefits of Cantaloupe & How to Eat Cantaloupe to Heal - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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