Home Herbs 3 Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds and How to Use at Home

3 Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds and How to Use at Home

by Andreea Laza

Looking for the health benefits of black poplar buds and how to use black poplar in remedies? Continue reading and find out.

Black polar (Populus nigra) is one of the most underrated medicinal trees there is. Few people, including herbal doctors, know that black poplar buds, similar to pine buds, have amazing medicinal properties. If you want to learn more about the health benefits of black poplar buds and how to use them at home as medicine, we’re here to help. But first, let’s see how to harvest and preserve black poplar buds for later use.

Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds and How to Use at Home - NaturalTreatment.com
A solitaire black poplar tree

How to Harvest Black Poplar Buds

The buds of the black poplar look like dark-colored thorns, with which the poplar defends itself from invaders or potential enemies. It is best to harvest the black poplar buds (Populus nigra) from the specifically cut branches, in the spring, or from the mature trees in small quantities. We should be caretakers of nature, and not destroy the young trees, or leave them without buds, so harvest carefully and not in small batches.

How to Preserve Black Poplar Buds

Spread the poplar buds in a thin layer, at a room temperature of up to 20 degrees C, so that the therapeutic qualities, vitamins, and enzymes are not lost during the drying process. In order not to prevent black poplar buds from catching mold, move them around twice a day or dry them on wooden frames wrapped in gauze or linen. Once dried, store the black poplar buds in paper bags or tightly closed jars in a dry place. You can also preserve the pine buds in the freezer to be used fresh.

Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds and How to Use at Home - NaturalTreatment.com
Black poplar buds

Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds

Black poplar buds are rich in essential oil, glycosides, gallic, ascorbic, and malic acid, vegetable glue (resin), wax, and bitter wood tar, making an amazing natural medicine. The resin from black poplar buds is included in the composition of propolis, one of the strongest natural antibiotics. In Romanian folk medicine, black poplar buds infusions and tinctures have been used for hemorrhoids, and fevers (as they induce sweating), as well as for their diuretic, and calming effects. Here are 3 simple natural remedies with black poplar buds that are still used in some parts of that area of the globe.

3 Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds with Remedies

1. Irritability & Anger

Soak 100 g of fresh black poplar buds in one liter of strong natural alcohol, in an amber glass jar, for three weeks. Shake the jar periodically. Strain and pour into an amber bottle. You can have 1-2 spoons diluted in 50 ml of water, 3-4 times a week. The results are faster if you take warm baths twice a week.

2. Rheumatic Pains, Skin Itching & Hemorrhoids

Crush the fresh black poplar buds into a mortar until you obtain a fine paste. Mix two spoons of this paste with 5-6 spoons of homemade butter or medical-grade vaseline, until you have a homogeneous salve. Store the cream in a glass container with a lid and keep it in a cold spot, preferably in the fridge. Use it to massage the affected areas.

3. Hair Loss

Grind the well-dried poplar buds into a powder using the coffee grinder and mix with castor oil, in a ratio of 1:4. Rub the scalp with this oil daily or before washing, and then wash your hair with a natural shampoo. You can make your own natural shampoo at home, by following this recipe here.

Read Also: How to Make Black Poplar Buds Salve and Use

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3 Health Benefits of Black Poplar Buds and How to Use at Home - NaturalTreatment.com

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