Christmas is knocking at the door, so we figured we shared with you 9 healing Christmas scents for the soul, and how to use them to feel better and enjoy the jolly season. But first.
Christmas is the celebration of coming together as one in joy, peace of mind, and love. It is a healing and uplifting time of the year. It also coincides with the winter solstice, which is the light overcoming the dark and this reflects deep down our minds and souls. Given the symbolism, we figure to share with you the most healing Christmas scents, Christmas smells that we are accustomed to, but never knew of their amazing healing properties.

In This Article You Will Find:
Powerful Healing Christmas Scents
Christmas is about feelings, lovely sounds, colors, and Christmas scents, that are deeply imprinted in the consciousness of each of us. The aromas that surround the world, whenever the Christmas holidays approach, have a miraculous power to brighten and tame our souls. They are not administered according to precise recipes, but if you want to feel their healing effects, let yourself be overwhelmed by the most healing Christmas scents, as in a lovely winter’s dream. Christmas scents especially arouse nostalgia.
Can you remember the smell of sugar powdered cakes with cinnamon and vanilla or the exciting aroma of lemons and ripe apples? What about the smell of fresh snow, that of the frost, and the scent of the evergreen fir trees? These are the healing Christmas scents we are going to talk about in this article. Without further introduction, let’s get into the most healing Christmas scents and how to use them to make the most of this wonderful time of the year.

9 Healing Christmas Scents for The Soul
The first five are culinary Christmas aromas, used in baking while the other 4 are sacred healing Christmas scents with magical properties, that embellish the Christmas holidays with an aura of sacredness and magic. Let’s see what they are.
1. Lemon Peel Scent
In Christian countries from the Mediterranean area (Greece, Italy, Spain, etc.) lemon peel smell is considered specific to Christmas, December being the month in which most of these fruits begin to ripen. In some areas, the evergreen, lemon shrub is used even as a Christmas tree, in the absence of firs, which do not grow in warmer climates. For more than a hundred years, the smell of the lemon peel has been associated with the winter holidays in Balkan cuisine as well.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Lemon
The scent of lemon peel opens our appetite for life, brightens our thoughts, and dispels fatigue. Also, this aroma helps us to overcome sadness, and melancholy, giving us a good mood. Use fresh lemon peel in baking, or use it to make Christmas decorations. More so, the lemon oil scent is a great aromatherapy oil for the Christmas season. Lemon is one of the most renowned healing Christmas scents.

2. Baked Apples
During the winter, in the countryside of Balkan countries, people would take apples from the hay boxes where they stored them, and the smell was amazing. With their bright red coloring and the vitality they express, apples were once a true symbol of Christmas.
People used to hang them on the Christmas tree, instead of the glass or plastic globes we use today. Once upon a time, it was the custom for children to sleep in the room where people would keep apples, so that their scent would bring them beautiful dreams, to protect them from fear or visions.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Apples
The scent of apples, more precisely of their peel, is a kind of medicine for poor mental states. Whether you feel saddened or fearful, with or without any apparent reasons, the vitality of apples can help you overcome the funk. Use them in Christmas baking, or light up a lovely natural apple-scented candle to embellish your home with one of the most healing scents for Christmas.

3. Walnuts
In the old times, walnuts were a true symbol of the winter holidays, and they were offered, along with apples and baked rolls, to carolers. With their hard shells on, walnuts show resilience and make excellent additions to Christmas baking, from traditional walnut rolls to baked apples or sweet plum jam crescents. Walnuts feed not only the body but also the mind and soul, which are in dire need of food now, on the eve of the Christmas holiday.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Apples
The smell of freshly peeled walnuts is nutritious for the soul. It gives you a state of security, emotional stability, and protection. This Christmas smell is especially healing for those with a predisposition to anxiety, and restlessness, who fail to live in a state of satisfaction, and well-being, and who do not feel safe, whatever they do.

4. Cinnamon Scent
Cinnamon is the fragrant, reddish bark of the cinnamon tree, a small, evergreen exotic tree. Cinnamon is an indispensable ingredient in old boyar cake recipes and gives a special flavor to all sweet Christmas bakings. Cinnamon is definitely one of the most popular healing Christmas scents, and more, it’s one of the most powerful natural antibiotics out there.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Cinnamon
Its unmistakable scent is a powerful stimulant for the nervous system, inducing states of euphoria. In winter, it is traditionally added in mulled wine, which gives it that specific aroma, that withstands the cold and the darkness of December nights.

5. Vanilla
Vanilla is the pod of a climbing plant. It has a sweet and gentle smell, very pleasant, especially for children. It is one of the most popular baking aromas and a less known aphrodisiac, and magic essence for love spells. We love vanilla, especially in powdered sugar sprinkled on top of mother’s Christmas cookies. The childhood nostalgia and memories its unmistakable aroma can bring!
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Vanilla
Vanilla, as well as chocolate, is said to be the emergency medicine for wounded souls, who cannot find rest and consolation. Its scent has an almost magical ability to make us feel like children again, loved and protected again, at home again, and, last but not least, to feel that Christmas has come again.
6. Myrrh
Myrrh is the resin of a shrub that grows in Arabia and Abyssinia (Yemen and Ethiopia today). In many Christian areas, it was used mainly during fasting, especially in the last days of the Christmas fasting. The word myrrh is mentioned in the Bible fifteen times and is derived from the Hebrew word “bitter.” In addition to being one of the most sacred Christmas scents, myrrh is also a popular home remedy used throughout the Arabian peninsula.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Myrrh
Its fragrance, with a really bitter, but very pleasant hue, was considered an extraordinary mind and soul cleanser, along with fasting, confession, and prayer, and helped prepare Christians for the celebration of this holy celebration. Burning myrrh is used to remove dark thoughts, temptations, and all the evils that could defile these special holidays. Along with incense, it is considered to be one of the most effective means of … exorcism.
7. Frankincense
Alongside gold and myrrh, frankincense is one of the gifts that were brought to the baby Jesus, immediately after birth, by the three wise men from the east. The fragrance of incense is, as such, inextricably linked to the moment of the Savior’s birth, being part of the first gift He received. In the homes of wealthier Romanians, incense was burnt on the first day of Christmas, before the feast, to help send their prayers for the blessing of the Christmas meal to the skies.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Frankincense
On a soul level, the scent of frankincense has a truly magical effect, being able to induce the feeling of the sacred, managing to get us into the spiritual dimension of the Christmas holiday. It is purifying for the mind and cleansing for the soul. Use it during prayer to bring forth the good energies of this magical celebration and to amplify the positive vibes throughout the world.

8. Fir Scent
Fir is the sacred tree of the Romanians, who considered it the bridge between Heaven and Earth, since ancient times. This is also the reason why we bring the fir tree into our homes, at Christmas, to help us communicate with the Heavens. This tree is also said to unite the world of the dead with that of the living, helping us to recover our memories, and feelings, and unifying our interior.
How to Use The Healing Christmas Scents of Fir
The scent of the fir tree heals the soul, by stabilizing our emotions. The fir resin and branches have been used for centuries to replace myrrh and incense by the less wealthy believers in the Balkan area. Fir scent has cleaning properties for the lungs and minds, and it also induces the sacred feeling of the Christmas holidays. Fir is one of the most renowned healing Christmas scents.

9. Fresh Snow
Snow is eagerly awaited every Christmas. A lot of people believe that without snow, the charm of the Christmas holiday is not complete. It may be an absurd prejudice, but – without realizing it – almost everyone is waiting for the snow. Why? Maybe for her whiteness, which covers any trace of ugliness around us, or maybe for the merry dance of the flakes, which seems to enjoy the feast of the Nativity in their fall on Earth. Snow has another magical effect: it somehow brings, we don’t know exactly how, peace around us and inside ourselves. Its fine, discreet smell, like a thrill of freshness, invigorates our soul, preparing it for the holiday.
How to Enjoy The Healing Christmas Scents of Snow
The scent of the snow purifies the emotions, and brings to the soul the state of immaculate childhood, without painful memories, without restraints. It is a smell of peace, of dissolution in God. This special healing Christmas scent awakens in us the nostalgia of the beginning, of the original purity.
Go to the mountains, near a forest or a river, where the air currents are strong and bring with them the smell of snow, even from hundreds of miles away. Find a secluded spot and close your eyes, while you fill your lungs with the fresh smell of snow. This way, you can experience for at least a fraction of a second the great QUIETNESS.

Allow the Healing Christmas Scents to Heal Your Soul
Our sense of smell has, more than any other sense, direct access to the subconscious mind. That is, the level of the mind where, among other things, all the beautiful memories that we thought we forgot are stored forever with a purpose. How can these memories serve us?
Well, these well-ingrained memories, give us an amazing power to … live, to move on, despite the difficulties and harshness of life. The memories of strong, beneficial emotions are a huge source of positive, healing energy. We may feel tired from the stress that pressed upon our shoulders over the year, and perhaps we forgot to relax or we just can’t get enough rest.
The wonderful memories of Christmas can instantly bring peace, gratitude, and reconnection that our souls long for. The healing Christmas scents are triggers for our subconscious minds and sparkle great joy and strong positive emotions, which are like a healing salve for the soul. Use these powerful healing Christmas scents to awaken that inner child, the long-forgotten memories of love, peace, and happiness.
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