Home Herbs 9 Geranium Uses & Natural Remedies with Geranium

9 Geranium Uses & Natural Remedies with Geranium

by Andreea Laza

Want to know what are the most amazing geranium uses and discover some unique natural remedies with geranium? Keep on reading.

In Romanian folk medicine, geranium (Pelargonium graveolens/sidoides), both wild and cultivated varieties, has been used since the 16th century. Out of all the geranium types, the one with large, palm-shaped leaves (not round), which have a strong smell, contains the largest amount of phytoncides and has the greatest therapeutic effect. Scientists have found that in the fight against bacteria, geranium works amazingly against frequent recurrences of infections caused by resistant pathogens.

Geranium Uses & Natural Remedies with Geranium - Geranium Uses - NaturalTreatment.com

How to Use Geranium as Medicine

To make natural remedies with geranium, you can use the leaves and flowers, but also the roots of aged plants, that have leafless (empty) stem. Here is how to preserve each part of the geranium plant to make medicine.

  • Leaves. Geranium leaves contain natural ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene, essential oil, glucose, alkaloids, and trace elements. The leaves are used mostly fresh to make infusions, tinctures, or for topical use, but you can also dry them for later use in teas. Geranium flowers are used the same way as the leaves.
  • Roots. Geranium roots are rich in carbohydrates, starch, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. Geranium roots can be used either fresh, on the spot, or dried. To store the roots, wash them and use on the spot, or dry them and store them in paper bags.

Now that you know how to use geranium as medicine, let’s get to the natural remedies with geranium that anyone can prepare and use at home.

9 Geranium Uses & Natural Remedies with Geranium

1. Pharyngitis & Laryngitis

One of the main geranium uses is in respiratory conditions, especially pharyngitis and laryngitis. For this, prepare nasal-pharyngeal washes with an infusion of fresh geranium leaves or flowers. To prepare the infusion, add a spoonful of fresh chopped geranium in a cup of boiling water and steep for 8 hours, or overnight. Use 100 ml of the geranium infusion to wash your nasal passages. Add 5 drops of Lugol iodine to the rest of the tea and gargle with it.

Alongside, wrap your big toes in 2-3 layers of fresh geranium leaves and warp a piece of gauze to secure them in place, before going to bed. According to the reflexology maps, the organs located in the head area are represented by the big toes.

Home Remedies for Laryngitis

2. Bronchitis & Pleuritis

Another one of the most amazing geranium uses is for bronchitis and pleuritis, this time as a geranium tincture that you can make at home. Here is the recipe. Fill 1/3 of a 300 ml (10 oz) glass jar with finely chopped geranium leaves, and pour homemade alcohol on top (rakija, palinka, or vodka) over them, up to the edge of the jar. Seal the jar and keep it in the fridge for the following 3 weeks. Then strain the geranium tincture and pour it into sealed amber glass bottles.

You can have one spoon of geranium tincture with 150 ml of peppermint tea, 3 times a day. Use the same tincture to rub your lungs, chest, and back area before going to bed. For chest rubs, especially for children, you can prepare the tincture with kombucha vinegar or apple vinegar, instead of a strong alcohol. This is one of the simplest geranium uses.

3. Hyperthyroidism & Goiter

In the case of hyperthyroidism and goiter, this is a simple way to prepare and use geranium leaves tincture. Add a cup of finely chopped geranium leaves in a glass jar and pour 500 ml (2 cups) of palinka over them. Seal the jar and leave to macerate for 30 days. Shake periodically. Strain and squeeze all the liquid out and pour the geranium tincture into amber bottles. You can have one teaspoon of tincture, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. For full treatment, you need two batches of homemade geranium tincture (one liter/4 cups of tincture). This is one of the main geranium uses.

4 Detox After Chemotherapy or Cytostatics

To eliminate toxins from the body after chemotherapy procedures or cytostatics, steep 3 finely chopped round geranium leaves in 250 ml/ 1 cup of boiling water. Steep until the tea cools. Very importantly, drink this tea throughout the day, one sip every hour. Under no circumstances you should drink the whole cup of tea at once!!!

Geranium Tea - Health Benefits of Geranium with Recipes and How to Use - NaturalTreatment.com

5. Stomach Conditions

In the country, the old people used to solve stomach problems simply: they prepared an infusion from 8-10 chopped geranium leaves and 250 ml (one cup) of hot water. Steep until the tea cools down, and drink 1/3 cup before lunch, 1/3 cup before dinner, and 1/3 cup in the evening, before going to bed. This is one of the most simple geranium uses.

6. Diarrhea Caused by Diabetes

Diabetics especially can experience diarrhea without any connection with food poisoning. In this case, you can prepare a tincture with 3 spoonfuls of geranium leaves and flowers mash mixed with 100 ml of double-refined homemade alcohol. Macerate the tincture in a dark place for the following 3 days. Then strain and pour it into sealed amber bottles. You can have 20 drops of geranium tincture in a spoonful of water whenever you have diarrhea.

If you want to avoid alcohol, prepare an infusion of 2 teaspoons of geranium leaves and flowers mash into a cup of boiled and cooled water. Macerate overnight then strain, and drink the next day, divided into 5-6 doses. Not only does this geranium remedy improve the digestive system, but also the function of the pancreas and the heart, it also restores the level of glycogen in the liver and regulates blood pressure.

Geranium Oil - Health Benefits of Geranium with Recipes and How to Use - NaturalTreatment.com

7. Kidney Stones and Inflammation

In Romanian folk medicine, geranium is considered that is has the ability to dissolve kidney stones. Prepare a healing geranium remedy by mixing together in a glass jar the following ingredients:

  • 20 ml of freshly squeezed juice from geranium leaves and flowers
  • 50 g of honey
  • 20 ml of propolis tincture
  • 100 ml of strong red wine (or 65 ml of cognac)

Seal the jar and keep it in the refrigerator for 14 days, then you can use it over the course of 3 months. Drink a spoonful of the remedy, 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, for 2 weeks. To make the geranium juice, keep 50 g of green leaves in 200 ml of room-temperature water for 2 hours. Then strain and mash them in a food processor or blend them. Strain all the juice out through a cheesecloth.

In order to make 50 ml of juice, you need the leaves from one geranium plant. That’s why, in order to complete this natural remedy for cataracts, you must have at least 5-6 geranium plants at hand and always pinch the top leaves, to favor the growth of new branches.

8. Skin Problems

Red geranium root baths are recommended for people with dermatological problems (furunculosis, eczema, vitiligo, and lichen). For this, steep 4 tablespoons of dry or freshly chopped geranium root in a thermos with boiling water for 2 hours. Bathe in this infusion by pouring it into your warm bathwater (35-36°C/95-96°F). Do this every night before going to bed for 12-14 days. Soothing skin problems is one of the key geranium uses.

How to Take Care of Skin in Winter Naturally - MyNaturalTreatment.com

9. Neuroses, Insomnia & Restlessness

Chop 4-5 geranium roots and a cup of fresh geranium leaves, and put them in a pot with 5-7 liters of hot water. Simmer for 20 minutes on medium heat, then remove from the fire and steep for 2-3 hours covered. Strain the decoction and add it to your hot bathwater. This treatment has a calming effect and lasts 10-15 days.

Or you can use geranium essential oil instead. Bathing with essential geranium oil has a special effect in the case of menopausal women, but also women who feel especially restless before their menstruation. Bathing with geranium oil reduces nervousness and improves sleep. This is one of the most amazing geranium uses.

The Many Geranium Uses

Geraniums improve metabolism, prevent the growth of tumors, dissolve kidney stones, and stop bleeding. In folk medicine, fresh geranium leaves and flowers are used for diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, gout, asthma, abscesses, and lung gangrene.  While dry geranium leaves are soaked in boiling water, are applied to the old warts for several days until the warts fall off. If you suffer from asthma or are allergic to the smell of geranium do not keep any species of geranium in your home.

Read Also: 6 Medicinal Geranium Recipes and How to Use

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9 Geranium Uses & Natural Remedies with Geranium - Geranium Uses  - NaturalTreatment.com

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