Want to know what are the best foods to eat for sore throat? Continue reading and find out.
Sore throat is more often than not caused by a viral infection, especially Streptococcus if it’s a stubborn sore throat that doesn’t go away and you also have a fever. Difficulty swallowing and speaking is most often the first symptom of a viral throat infection, such as a cold, flu, or measles virus. The cause can also be bacterial, for example, when accompanied by tonsillitis. Even more, allergies, dry or polluted air, and acid reflux can also cause a sore throat. A sore throat normally doesn’t last for more than 5 to 7 days. However, if it does, here are the best foods to eat for sore throat that can actually make a difference.
10 Best Foods to Eat for Sore Throat
- Ginger – just like garlic, ginger is also an excellent remedy for sore throat. For best results, eat honey mixed with freshly grated ginger, or make gargles with lemon juice, ginger tea, and honey.
- Garlic – also known as “Russian penicillin”, garlic is an unbeatable antiseptic, which also stimulates the immune system and should always be the first option in the treatment of inflammation in the respiratory tract.
- Cardamom is the best natural source of cineole and successfully fights both the sensation of pain in the throat, as well as laryngitis or pharyngitis.
- Onion – onions, and chives, have a similar effect, especially since onions contain a higher amount of quercetin than garlic (quercetin is a flavonoid with strong antioxidant properties). The Jews of Cochin, an old Jewish settlement in India, used to make a decoction of onions with lemon juice as a cure for sore throats.
- Pomegranate – this fruit has been long used as an anesthetic for the throat area, from the peoples of the Andes to India. Pomegranate is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, containing at least nine substances that strengthen the immune system. Drink fresh pomegranate juice, with small sips, throughout the day, alongside water.
- Sage can be administered either as an infusion, improving its taste with a little lemon juice and honey, or in a more concentrated infusion to which you also add garlic, ginger, and onion.
- Thyme – this medicinal plant helps to eliminate mucus from the respiratory tract, has antiseptic action, and strengthens the immune system. To prepare a thyme decoction for gargling, boil thyme in water, on low heat, for 10-20 minutes. If you want, add lemon and honey to taste. Or drink a thyme tea – ideally, about half an hour after gulping down some hot spices, like garlic, hot pepper, horseradish, or wasabi. Oregano is just as good.
- Anise helps against productive cough and other respiratory problems, due to its expectorant action. Crush one or two teaspoons of anise seeds, pour boiling water over them, and wait for them to steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain the tea before drinking. You can also add a little bit of licorice root to the tea for best results.
- Lemon juice with raw honey is a traditional remedy for sore throats and laryngitis. Mix fresh lemon juice and raw honey in a glass of water at room temperature. Mix well before drinking. Lemon helps to eliminate mucus, and honey lines the pharyngeal mucosa with a protective layer.
- Berries – especially wild blueberries are loaded with powerful antioxidants that fight strep and other viruses and bacteria in the body. Top freshly picked blueberries with raw honey to make the best probiotic you can have, or add them to smoothies in combination with bananas and raw honey.
Foods to Avoid With a Sore Throat
Avoid an inflammatory diet that feeds pathogens, namely eggs, dairy, gluten, pork, farmed fish, corn, soy, canola oil, and food additives such as MSG, flavors, and natural flavors. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they dehydrate the body and irritate the vocal folds. A sore throat can also be caused by acid reflux, so avoid foods that cause acid reflux, especially highly acidic foods such as apple cider vinegar, pickles, vinegar in general, sauces and heavy meals, fast/junk foods, and fried foods.
Instead, drink plenty of fresh water, coconut water, or herbal teas made from the herbs abovementioned. By doubling your fluid intake, you help fluidize mucus, so you can expel it more easily through coughing. You may also need to use a humidifier to obtain an optimal level of air humidity, especially during the cold season when you start your heating system and the air is dryer.
Read Also: 3 Powerful Natural Remedies for Sore Throat
If you’ve enjoyed learning what are the best foods to eat for sore throat, please share this article so we can help more people heal their sore throats. Remember, that a sore throat is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, it’s most likely caused by strep. But with the help of a healthier diet and natural remedies, anyone can heal a sore throat. Stay healthy, naturally!
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