If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for bunions, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Bunions (Hallux valgus) are both unaesthetic to look at and uncomfortable and when they aggravate, can cause a lot of pain. Hence, there are at least three reasons to find ways to treat bunions and enjoy your feet once again. Here you have six natural remedies for bunions that have worked for so many people already.

In This Article You Will Find:
6 Natural Remedies for Bunions
1. Simple Remedy for Bunions with Grated Horseradish
Perhaps the most effective and used method to get rid of bunions naturally is the simple root we love so much called horseradish. Yup! Here are 2 natural remedies for bunions with grated horseradish that you can make at home. The first way to use horseradish for bunions is the following. Combine a handful of grated horseradish with a handful of flour and a little bit of warm water, so that you can turn the mix into a paste. Put this mix into a small gauze sachet and seal it. Place the sachet on the bunion for about 10-15 minutes and then you can take it off. Repeat the procedure a few days in a row.

2. Horseradish Remedy for Bunions
Grate one horseradish and put it into a wide neck bottle or a jar. Pour 1/5 l (2 cups) of rubbing alcohol over it. Close tightly and leave the composition to macerate for 2-3 days, shaking the bottle daily. Don’t remove the horseradish from the bottle, but use it like that. Use a cotton pad and smear it with this solution and then apply it to the bunions. Then wrap a bandage on top so it doesn’t move from its place and get a plastic bag over your foot. Follow this treatment at night before bedtime.
Keep the bandage on for as long as you can, until the next morning if possible. The bunion pain will stop, and the bunions usually begin to retreat while your toes will come back to their natural position. Alongside, during the day, you can use a natural calendula salve to apply to the bunions. Horseradish poultices are definitely one of the best natural remedies for bunions.
3. Iodine Tincture for Bunions
Iodine tincture is a powerful medicine against the pain caused by bunions. This is why you’ll find many home remedies for bunions with iodine. We have two of them here. For the first remedy, all you need to do is to pad the bunion/s with an iodine tincture every night before bedtime. Repeat the treatment every night until you’ll some improvements in the condition.
The second way to use iodine tincture for bunions is as follows. After smearing the iodine tincture thoroughly over the bunion using a small brush, cut a black olive in half, remove its kernel and apply it directly onto the bunion. Bandage the bunion so that the olive stays in place overnight. Repeat the procedure every evening before bedtime for a month and you’ll be amazed by the results! This is one of the best natural remedies for bunions.

4. Yogurt & Garlic Remedy for Bunions
Follow the steps of this simple yogurt and garlic remedy for bunions and get rid of both the pain and the trouble. Crush one head of garlic and mix it in a small jar of natural yogurt. Apply the garlic yogurt onto the bunion every evening for the following 10-20 days. Bandage the area well and leave the yogurt overnight. Remove it the next morning, and wash your feet in warm water.

5. Cabbage Leaves Remedy for Bunions
We all know that bunions are excruciatingly painful if things get out of hand and you don’t get treatment in time. Still, if you already are in this situation, don’t panic and try this simple natural remedy for bunions with cabbage leaves.
- Crush the veins of one large cabbage leaf using a glass bottle and place it on your bunion/s.
- You can also place two cabbage leaves one on top of the other on your bunions and replace them in the morning and evening.
The procedure takes a few months to work, so you need to have patience and be persistent. Not only that the pains will go away in 15-30 minutes, but you will see that the bunions reduse in size visibly. As simple as it may look, cabbage is one of the most effective natural remedies for bunions.
6. Wine Vinegar Remedy for Bunions
This last remedy for bunions is a very old folk remedy that seemed to have worked for many women in parts of Eastern Europe. Put ten razor blades (even used ones) in a small jar and pour over them a glass of wine vinegar. Seal and leave to sit for a month, until the vinegar changes its color. Now the vinegar is ready to use.
Cover the bunions in a cotton piece soaked in the vinegar, secure in place with a bandage, and take on a sock. Leave the compress overnight. In the morning, remove it. Repeat the procedure every evening, until the jar is empty. After applying the
Important! (although perhaps inconvenient) Washing your feet is prohibited until the end of the treatment (until you finish the entire quantity of vinegar). However, the efficiency is 100%. The bunions will never hurt you again and you will be spared the surgery. In addition, the bunions will shrink and no longer deform your shoes. If the desired result does not appear immediately, repeat the procedure one more time.
Read Also: Natural Remedies for Swollen Feet
These are the most effective natural remedies for bunions and bunion pain, proving that natural medicine and home remedies actually do work. Try one or several of these remedies on yourself and regain your health, positive mental state, and happiness back. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally! 🌿