Looking for remedies for kidney and bladder conditions? Discover Eva Lubke’s Tyrol remedies for all sorts of urinary problems.
Discover a few amazing Tyrol remedies for kidney and bladder problems, rooted in the ancient healing traditions of the Tyrolean Alps. These natural treatments from Eva Lubke’s collection have been used for centuries to support kidney health, promote proper bladder function, and help alleviate discomfort from common urinary issues. Let’s get to them.

In This Article You Will Find:
5 Amazing Tyrol Remedies for Kidney and Bladder Problems
1. Kidney Detox
Eva Lubke believed that the kidneys are, in fact, the most important organ, if such a thing can be said, and described them as the “second skin.” For kidney health, Eva recommends drinking plenty of fluids, as the kidneys need to be “washed” continuously. From her experience, many diseases disappear if a kidney detox is performed beforehand, thus cleansing the entire body. This is one of the most important things to do periodically for overall health. Here is her Tyrol remedy for kidney detox.
Take a handful of fresh parsley—leaves and stems—chop it finely, and place it in a pot with half a liter of water. Boil for three minutes, and towards the end of the boiling time, add a teaspoon each of dried horsetail and dried European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea). Bring to a boil, then remove the pot from the heat and let the herbs infuse for 10 minutes. Strain and the tea is ready. Drink for 1-2 weeks to detoxify the kidneys.
Additionally, tea made from dried apple peels or even whole apples has a detoxifying effect, while wild garlic helps cleanse the kidneys. One woman once shared with Eva that since she began regularly detoxing her kidneys, her blood pressure returned to normal.
2. Kidney Stones
For kidney stones, bladder stones, and gallstones, Eva Lubke has seen good results with birch leaves, either in the form of tea or boiled and sprinkled over soups, salads, or vegetable dishes. This is a long-term cure, and is one of the most popular Tyrol remedies.
3. Kidney Pain
To soothe kidney pain, you can make a poultice with young birch leaves. Pass the leaves through a meat grinder, mix them with oil, heat the mixture slightly, and spread it on a piece of cloth or a towel. Apply it to both kidneys and leave it to work overnight.
4. Cystitis
If you suffer from cystitis, it’s important to consult a doctor first. Soothing steam sitz baths are popular for cystitis in the Austrian Alps. Take two handfuls of herbs—sage, horsetail, nettle, yarrow, and optionally St. John’s Wort (not chamomile!)—and boil them in water for 10 minutes. Strain and pour the decoction into a basin and sit above it, not in it, to enjoy maximum benefits.
Stay in this position for 10 minutes (cover your kidneys to avoid getting cold), and you’ll immediately feel the effects: from the urinary tract upwards to the kidneys and even in the back. The herbal mixture can be reused 2-3 times, after which it should be replaced. This steam bath is recommended not only for kidney conditions but also for kidney detoxification.
5. Bladder Atony
Squeeze your pelvic muscles several times a day, and even do several repetitions in a row. These muscles can strengthen even in older age. Also, drink one cup of yarrow tea per day, by steeping one tablespoon of the herb in one cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Read Also: 4 Tyrol Remedies for Blood Conditions
The healing wisdom of Tyrol provides natural solutions for kidney and bladder problems that can enhance your well-being. The Tyrol remedies shared in this article offer effective, holistic approaches to support your urinary health. Stay healthy, naturally!
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