If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for enuresis, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Bedwetting (enuresis) is a disorder characterized by involuntary urination most often found in children. The causes of bedwetting are unknown, but favorable factors are:
- physchological trauma (abuse)
- a small bladder
- infections (UTIs)
- constipation
- low antidiuretic hormone
- growth retardation
- heavy sleep
- diet (dairy products, citrus fruits, chocolate, and in general foods rich in sugar or food dyes are irritating)
Some agree that bedwetting is not a condition but a symptom. Either the case, we have here some amazing natural treatments for enuresis or bedwetting with plants, for adults and children altogether, with zero side effects or contradictions.

In This Article You Will Find:
6 Natural Treatments for Enuresis (Bedwetting)
1. Natural Treatments for Bedwetting with Cranberries
This is one of the simplest yet best natural treatments for enuresis. For this treatment, you need 10 cranberry leaves and 200 ml of water. Put the water in a pot over the fire and when it has reached the boiling point at the cranberry leaves and simmer for a few minutes. Strain the decoction and drink it 30 minutes right before bedtime. In addition to a supporting good night’s sleep, cranberry leaf tea has amazing healing properties for the urinary tract. In a maximum of two weeks, you will see the difference and the healing process will be almost complete.

2. Herbal Natural Treatments for Enuresis for Adults
Make a powerful herbal blend with 2 parts common lady’s mantle, and one part each of St. John’s wort, yarrow, and shepherd’s purse. Drink 3-4 of this infusion daily. Add 1 tsp of Swedish Bitter to each cup of tea before you drink it. Alongside, dried beans sheaves sitz baths are recommended in nocturnal bedwetting in both adults and kids (read the remedy below). After the bath, anoint the pelvic area with calendula salve. Apply a Swedish Bitter cotton compress on your belly overnight. Throughout the day, anoint your pelvic area with shepherd’s-purse balm. This is one of the most powerful natural treatments for enuresis.
3. Natural Treatments for Bedwetting for Kids
Sitz baths are highly recommended in nocturnal enuresis in children, also known as nighttime urinary incontinence or bedwetting. Actually, this is one of the most effective natural treatments for enuresis. Here is what you can do. Pour 2-3 liters of warm water (not boiled and chilled, just warm) in a washing basin and take a 5-10 minute sitz bath. Do this sitz bath twice a day for a week. After the bath, cover well and go directly to bed. Eating preponderently plant-based and raw is also recommended.
Another powerful natural treatment for bedwetting children is the dried beans sheaves sitz bath. Here is how you can prepare it at home. Boil 2-3 handfuls of white dried beans sheaves in 5-6 liters of water until the water starts coloring. Strain and use the warm decoction for two sitz baths, one in the morning and the in the evening, right before bedtime. After each bath, wrap your child in warm towels. Keep the water as warm as possible (if the decoction cools down too much, pour some more hot decoction). This is a 3 week of treatment. Resume after 2 weeks if the results aren’t visible yet.

Another simple home remedy for enuresis in children is recommended by famous priest Sebastian Kneipp. Put the child to walk in a tub filled with cold water (calves-high) for 3-5 minutes. Them make them run around so that their legs return to the normal temperature. Repeat daily for a week. When your child is using the potty, tell them to release a urine jet and then stop it for a second and then release it again. This is a great way to strengthen the muscles that control urinating. The child learns how to stop urinating while sleeping as well.
Lastly, this is what you can do to stop your kid from bedwetting. 45 minutes after your child has fallen asleep, take them to the potty while he/she is still half sleeping, and whisper to them to go peeing. Wait patiently until they’ve finished, and repeat the procedure with patience every evening, until they stop bedwetting for good. These are some of the best natural treatments for enuresis in children.
4. Cabbage Treatment for Bedwetting
Gently smash and warm up two fresh cabbage leaves. Place one on the belly and the other one on the lower back lumbar area of your child. Wrap it with a sterile bandage. Leave the cabbage leaves on overnight. After 2-3 days, bedwetting will be history. This is one of the simplest yet most effective natural treatments for enuresis in children.
5. Dill Home Remedy for Bedwetting
Grind some dill seeds and then sift them. Have 1 tsp of the dill powder in the morning and another one in the evening, 30 minutes before the meals. Hold the powder under the tongue as much as possible before swallowing. Continue for 7 days. This is one of the simplest yet most effective natural treatments for enuresis in children.
6. Egg & Salt Natural Treatments for Enuresis
Whisk 1 egg yolk with 1 tsp of sea salt until you obtain a paste. Split the paste into two halves and apply each part to a sterile bandage. Apply the bandages on the skin one over each kidney. Leave them on until the skin starts to change color to pink. If the bedwetting hasn’t stopped after the first application resume the process after a week. If results are not visible again, resume after 1 month. This is one of the simplest natural treatments for enuresis.
Natural Tips to Prevent Enuresis in Adults
In addition to the natural treatments for enuresis, we have a few pieces of advice to increase the capacity of your bladder and prevent bedwetting. Drink all your liquids right after you wake up, until 12:00 in the afternoon. Then after 12 o’clock, eat foods that have little to no moisture. Whenever you feel like going to the toilet throughout the day, delay the go by 5 minutes. The next day, increase the delay by 7-8-10 minutes. This helps strengthen the muscles that hold the urine.
Before going to bed, tie a foulard around your waist with the knot at the back. This way you avoid sleeping on your back, a position that favors enuresis. Program your subconscious mind by looking into a mirror and saying to yourselves: “Tonight I will not wet the bed. I can do this.” The subconscious mind takes over when we sleep, so feed it these empowering thoughts.
Read Also: Natural Remedy for Bladder Polyps
We sure hope that the natural treatments for enuresis (bedwetting) here will truly help you out. Believe in the miraculous powers of plants, because Creation has never created something randomly, and believe me, plants come from the universal pharmacy. Let us know if you’ve tried them and have worked for you, in the comments below. Stay healthy, naturally!