Home Conditions Natural Remedy for Myocarditis

Natural Remedy for Myocarditis

by Andreea Laza

Looking for a natural remedy for myocarditis? There is a medicinal plant that can help prevent and improve the symptoms related to myocarditis, alongside a healthy diet and a supportive lifestyle.

Myocarditis is the inflammation of the myocardium, also known as the heart muscle, a condition that can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood. The most common symptoms of myocarditis are:

  • shortness of breath, especially after exercise or when the person is lying down
  • fatigue
  • palpitations
  • pain or pressure in the chest
  • dizziness
  • swelling of the hands, feet, ankles
  • sudden loss of consciousness

While medical doctors don’t know for sure what the main cause of myocarditis is, they agree that it can be triggered by viral infections, Lyme disease, and some autoimmune diseases. But we know now that autoimmune diseases and mysterious illnesses including Lyme’s are actually caused by a very powerful pathogen invader, that the body is fighting very hard against. In other words, myocarditis is caused by accumulated toxicity in the body (viruses, bacteria, pathogens, heavy metals) affecting the heart muscle.

This explains why myocarditis affects mostly healthy, young, and athletic individuals, between puberty and 30 years of age. Now let’s get to the natural remedy for myocarditis.

Natural Remedy for Myocarditis: Lily of The Valley

(Convallaria majalis)

Effective Natural Remedy for Myocarditis - MYN
Lily of the valley flowers and extract

Starting in the early 1850s, the tincture made from Lily of the valley flowers was used in Russia as a treatment for cardiovascular disease. This beautifully scented flower is rich in cardiac glycosides, saponins, organic acids, and essential oils, making it one of the most powerful cardioactive herbs used in European herbal medicine. The flowers, leaves, and stems of this flower are a proven remedy for heart problems and nervous system disorders.

To use it for medicinal purposes, harvest lilies of the valley during the flowering period before the flowers reach full maturity and start to turn yellowish. Don’t pull it out from the ground with the bulb, but cut it three centimeters below the flower. Dry the flowers in a cool, well-ventilated room. For the first natural remedy for myocarditis with this flower, make a mix of the following dried herbs:

  • lily of the valley flowers – 10 grams
  • fennel seeds – 10 grams
  • mint leaves – 20 grams
  • valerian root – 30 grams

Pour a cup of boiling water over 10 grams of the herbal blend. Then put the tea on a double boiler for 15-20 minutes. Cover and steep for one hour, then strain. Drink a quarter of this cup, three times a day, after the main meals and the last quarter before bed. The treatment lasts for two weeks. Lily of the valley tincture/extract is also effective for myocarditis. You can have ten drops in a glass of water, twice a day, after the main meals 5 days out of a week followed by 2 days of pause. This treatment can be followed for a maximum of 21 days. This is an amazing adjuvant and natural remedy for myocarditis.

Beware! Lily of the valley is toxic when ingested, and we do not recommend ingesting any parts of this plant! Before using remedies with lily of the valley, it is necessary to seek the advice of a herbal doctor or pharmacist.

3 Medicinal Herbs that Strengthen the Heart Muscle

Common hawthorn

(Crataegus monogyna)

Also known as the heart’s herb, hawthorn increases the contraction capacity of the heart muscle (cardiotonic effect), and helps dilate the blood vessels thus improving the blood and oxygen supply to the heart. It is one of the best medicinal herbs for heart arrhythmia, it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and it is also a powerful antioxidant, sedative, and diuretic. Most importantly, hawthorn increases the synthesis of soluble collagen, which helps repair and rebuild new capillaries and restore blood flow in areas of the heart affected by necrosis, following a cardiac arrest.

Studies have proven the therapeutic effects of this herb in improving the symptoms of stage I and II congestive heart failure and improving its symptoms, that is fatigue and shortness of breath after effort. It has also been noted to improve and increase the heart’s capacity to effort. When associated with hibiscus, hawthorn can help in congestive heart failure, chest pain, and hypertension.

The leaves or flowers can also be used for therapeutic purposes, but hawthorn berries are the richest in the active principles, so the most indicated. Here is how to use hawthorn berries for toning the heart.

  • Powder: a pinch twice a day
  • Decoction: one cup twice a day
  • Tincture: 30 drops, twice a day
Hawthorn berries- Natural Remedy for Myocarditis - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Hawthorn berries


(Leonurus cardiaca)

As its Latin name “cardiaca” says, this medicinal herb is especially healing for the heart. When taken together with valerian root and lemon balm, motherwort has a calming effect on the nervous system and on the heart. It protects the heart muscle by toning down agitation, irritability, and stress associated with a fast and irregular heartbeat. It has positive effects in case of heart failure, and abnormal heart rhythms due to the fact that it prolongs the cardiac cycle, and activates the myocytes (cells that make up the heart muscle). But most importantly, a study revealed that motherwort extract could be a useful remedy to protect the heart muscles against the negative effects of pathogens.

  • Infusion: 3 cups a day
  • Tincture: 30 drops, 3 times a day after meals, mixed in a cup of Ginkgo Biloba or little periwinkle tea
Motherwort - Natural Remedy for Myocarditis - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Astragalus Root

(Astragalus membranaceus)

A forgotten and rediscovered healing herb, astragalus holds a large amount of selenium, a microelement that prolongs the body’s youth, normalizes the activity of the heart at any age, strengthens the walls of the blood vessels, and helps cure allergies and even cancer tumors. Most importantly, Astragalus is an exceptional cardiotonic with great results in myocarditis, endocarditis, and heart attack. In addition, it fights infections caused by bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, or viruses, and has vasodilator, and anticoagulant properties, it also regulates capillary permeability and reduces hypertension. This is exactly what a burdened heart needs.

Astragalus - Natural Remedy for Myocarditis - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Astragalus root

Herbal Teas for Heart Problems

Other herbal teas that help the heart, in addition to the natural remedy for myocarditis above, are:

  • Herb robert (Geranium robertianum) – helps protect and restore the heart muscle after infections and rheumatic heart disease;
  • Little periwinkle (Vinca minor) – heart failure, prevent heart attack and relapses, high blood pressure; 2 cups/day after meals
  • Rosemary – chest pain/angina, low blood pressure;
  • Lavender flowers, lemon balm, valerian root, and linden flowers – suffocation, palpitations, restlessness, dizziness, sweating, insomnia, and sharp stabbing pains in the chest caused by intense emotions/stress;
  • Mistletoe – chest pain, high blood pressure;
  • Ginkgo biloba leaves, willow bark, and grape seeds – prevent heart attack;
  • Ginseng root – low blood pressure.
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Natural Supplements for Heart Health

In addition to the natural remedy for myocarditis and the herbs abovementioned, there are natural supplements and superfoods that can aid the heart.

  • Resveratrol contained in the peels and seeds of black grapes is considered the most powerful antioxidant of all. It protects the heart, the nervous system, and blood vessels from free radical damage. The polyphenols from grapes strengthen the veins and arteries, improve blood flow, thin the blood, and protects collagen, thus maintaining the health of the blood vessels and heart. We don’t recommend drinking red wine, alcohol is toxic for the body.
  • Garlic extract is the best natural cure for clogged-up veins and arteries with cholesterol, one of the top remedies for high blood pressure.
  • Chlorophyll protects blood vessels against sclerosis and bacterial infections regardless of location (even pericarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle – has been successfully treated with this therapy).
  • Magnesium helps to normalize heart rate, and taken alongside calcium, it helps decrease blood pressure. In order to assimilate calcium well, your body needs vitamin D. Calcium also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the blood vessels.
  • Potassium will keep your arteries in good shape; you can find it, especially in fruits such as bananas, melons, and avocados.
  • Folic acid participates in hematopoiesis (blood formation) as well as cell division. It is present in almost all foods, be they animal-based or plant-based.

Healing Crystals

According to the famous 11th-century German nun, Hildegard von Bingen, apart from herbs, crystals also have extraordinary healing powers. For heart problems, she mentions in her writings how to use natural gemstones for soothing. Green-colored crystals are related to the heart chakra and are healing for the heart.


About peridot, Hildegard mentions: “Whoever suffers from heart pain should immerse a piece of peridot stone in olive oil and with the oil left on the stone anoint the place where he or she has the pain and it will be of great soothing.” She also recommends this healing crystal for irregular heartbeat, palpitations, restlessness, dizziness, sweating, insomnia, and sharp stabbing pains in the chest caused by intense emotions or stress.


For irregular heartbeat and chest pain, Hildegard recommends the following: “When you have a pain in the heart, put a jasper stone where it hurts and press it gently on the skin to warm it up. The pain will lessen.” After the stone has warmed up, remove it from the skin, allow it to cool, and if the pain persists, the stone can be put back in the same way. It also helps with an irregular heartbeat.


For chest pain, Hildegard recommends using a piece of emerald as follows: “He who has chest pain should wear an emerald that touches his skin. His flesh will warm and feel better.” Wear the emerald stone as close to the heart as possible, always in contact with the skin.


Wear the onyx on the skin for a few hours (tied around the neck or on the wrist), then put red wine to boil, remove it from the heat, and keep the onyx on top of the hot red wine until it steams well. Then dip it in the hot wine, leave it until it cools down, and drink the wine as hot as possible, immediately. Hildegard recommended this onyx wine for heart pain and other heart conditions.

Diet Advice for Myocarditis

Besides the natural remedy for myocarditis and supplements above, diet is key. Smoking, stress, hypertension, alcohol, and excess cholesterol are the biggest enemies of the heart. Avoid excess red meat, fats, sausages, sweets, alcohol, salt, and soft drinks. Check the sodium levels in the blood.

Instead, eat as many vegetables as possible. They force the liver to slow down the production of cholesterol and lower its level. Choose all types of white and red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, carrots, beets, celery, parsley, lovage, dill, rosemary, beans, peas, and lentils, but especially eat garlic. Ideally, you should eat it on an empty stomach, a quarter of an hour before the three main meals of the day.

Garlic has been declared the “savior of the heart,” which it guards and heals. (If you find it difficult to chew, swallow it with a little water.) Sprouted wheat is another reliable friend of the heart. Include foods containing magnesium and potassium such as dried apricots, greens, plums, peaches, figs, etc. Fruit is healing for the heart.

Other Tips

  • Never practice sports when you are in a state of physical exhaustion, especially when suffering from myocarditis, instead, moderate exercise such as walking or swimming short distances is the best way to go.
  • Chest stretches have a beneficial effect on the heart. If you sit in front of the computer for a long time, avoid tense positions, and stand with your back straight. Also, keep your eyes horizontal on the computer screen. Do head and shoulders rotations regularly and stretch your arms sideways as far as you can.
  • Avoid mountain heights, and extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold and beware of sudden changes in climate.

Your Heart ❤️ You, Love It Back

The first heartbeat is a miracle. Cells get together in a certain mysterious order and immediately the heart trembles, and then begins to beat. We are witnessing the incredible spectacle of a life that is beginning to awaken. Our heart is the first organ in the body that begins to function, just three weeks after the embryo is formed. The moment it stops, all the functions of the body cease.

Natural Remedy for Myocarditis Self Love - MYN

Love at first sight or terrible fear “hit the heart.” So do joy, enthusiasm, fear, and shyness.

But the heart is much more intelligent and sensitive than we think. Actually, the heart is the organ with the largest electromagnetic field in the body, emitting an electromagnetic field 5,000 times stronger than the field emitted by the brain. . It is not just a simple blood “pump”, but a very complex system with its own “brain“. The nervous system of the heart (or its “brain“) allows it to learn, remember and even make active decisions about how it works, independently of the central brain. The field of the heart has the strongest healing energy in the Universe.

Our heart is our own center of love, the heart loves life, and loves its job which is to keep you alive and happy with every heartbeat. It doesn’t matter how you feel, how low vibe, or how upbeat, the heart loves you unconditionally.

When the heart becomes inflamed and starts to ache, it tells us that we do not openly express our feelings, and we have an imbalanced heart chakra due to emotional repression. Someone suffering from heart conditions is the repository of an enormous amount of hate thoughts of the self and others.

Through thoughts of love for our fellow humans and for the infinite creation, it is possible to nullify the thoughts of hatred and anger. Lack of love and affection can upset the heart and cause heart problems including myocarditis. Love and compassion can act as therapy for the heart. When we suffer from a heart attack, this tells us that we are not sending enough loving energy into the universe and that we should start manifesting love in all of our relations, starting with ourselves.

We sure hope the natural remedy for myocarditis, the herbs, and the supplements as well as the spiritual advice will truly help you out. Send love energy to all that is, and enjoy all the loving energy that comes back to you. The more you love, the more love comes back to you. Much healing love! 💚

Natural Remedy for Myocarditis - MyNaturalTreatment.com


Martha September 12, 2021 - 16:48

I am so grateful I was lead to your site and you put it here to be discovered. It is a light in a world of echoes and repeats, when mankind cries out to know The Original, our
original path, not directives of what peers want us to be. The wealth of credible information is stated objectively and clearly, in perspective, with instructions simplified. In a confusing time, it’s refreshing, consistent with nature. Thank you!

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza September 12, 2021 - 20:32

I cannot thank you enough for your kind words and energy, Martha! We only hope that we can help as many people as we can and bring more light into the world. Much love! 💚

Arthur MacThom September 20, 2022 - 09:14

Andreea, your knowledge, extremely kind and beautiful face — the best treat I’ve had in a while.

Are you single?

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza September 20, 2022 - 10:54

Hi, Arthur. Thank you for stopping by and thank for your kind words. No one has ever asked me this before here, but I am married 👰. All the best and much health! 💚🌿


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