Looking for natural remedies for skin disease? Continue reading this article and discover some amazing natural skin salve recipes your skin will love.
Skin diseases can be mild or severe, but we have here 4 remedies that work well for skin conditions in general. They can also be used to prevent dry skin or skin rashes. In case you suffer from a skin rash or any form of mild skin condition, you can safely use one or more of the natural remedies for skin disease right here.

In This Article You Will Find:
4 Natural Remedies for Skin Disease
1. Fir Salve Skin Remedy
Make a simple balm with 1 tbsp of white fir oil and 2 tbsp of any type of melted lard or virgin coconut oil. Anoint the affected skin area 3 times per day for 3-4 weeks. If you have a rash, make a poultice with minced fresh basil leaves mixed with a 1/4 tsp of medicinal clay mixed with water and apply it to the rash. These are some of the most effective natural remedies for skin diseases of all sorts.

2. Natural Remedies for Skin Disease with Basil
There is another way to use basil for skin rashes. Simmer 1 handful of fresh basil leaves in ½ kg of fresh lard (pork, lamb) for a couple of minutes. Leave it aside to cool down overnight. Next day, warm the it up and strain it. Mix the resulted infused grease with 1 tbsp of melted beeswax and 2 tbsp of raw honey. Do this with warm ingredients so they combine together well and you get a homogenous salve. Pour the salve in tin cream cans or cosmetic glass jar. Use this basil infused balm for any type of skin condition or rash.

3. Elderberry Tincture for Severe Skin Conditions
This remedy and the last one are very useful natural remedies for more severe skin diseases with itching, or severe rashes. Juice fresh elderberries when they aren’t fully ripped (they shoud be red-violet in color, not yet black). Combine this juice with 90° alcohol in a 1:1 ratio to make the tincture. Pour the elderberry tincture in small amber bottles, and here is how to use it.
- Day 1 – take 1 tsp of the tincture diluted in ½ cup of water first thing in the morning.
- Day 2 – take 2 tsp diluted in ½ cup of water.
- Day 3 to day 7 – increase the daily dose by 1 tsp per day until day 7, when you take 7 tsp of tincture.
- Day 8 to day 30 – take 7 tsp/day until the very last day of treatment.
This is a 30-days treatment with powerful detox properties that helps the body recover from inside out.

4. Pine Raisin Balm Remedy
Melt 1 stick of high-fat butter in a pot on medium heat. Scoop the foam forming on the surface every now and then. After 15-20 minutes, you’ll see some dark color sediments on the bottom of the pot and the butter is clear. That’s the moment you need to take the butter off the fire and pour it into another pot, but leave the sediments on the bottom of the pot. Add beeswax the size of a hazelnut to the clarified butter and combine.
When the mix is homogenized, add 3 tbsp of pine raisin or pine rasin turpentine and 3 bits of frankincense. Mix again very well with a wooden spatula. Pour the pine balm into a glass jar to cool off and keep it in the fridge. Use it whenever you have a severe skin rash, dermatitis or hive.

Read Also: Home Remedy for Skin Firming
These amazing natural remedies for skin disease have helped many suffering from skin rashes to mild skin conditions. We hope they will help you to. Stay healthy, naturally!