Looking for natural remedies for lazy gallbladder? Continue reading this article and find out what causes a lazy gallbladder and how to improve it.
Lazy gallbladder refers to a gallbladder that doesn’t contract or empty bile efficiently, often leading to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and indigestion. It may be related to gallbladder dysfunction or a condition like biliary dyskinesia. Before we show you what are the most powerful natural remedies for lazy gallbladder, here are the main reasons some people develop a lazy gallbladder while others don’t. Let’s get to it.
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Lazy Gallbladder Causes
According to Medical Medium, a lazy gallbladder is the result of a sluggish liver that is overfilled with toxins, namely pesticides, herbicides, toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and copper, plastics and other petrochemical byproducts, old pharmaceuticals, chronic, low-grade viral and bacterial infections as well as cologne, perfume, air fresheners, and scented candles. When you add stress to the mix, which secretes large quantities of corrosive adrenaline, you have a recipe for disaster. Hence, stress is not the cause for a lazy gallbladder, but can be a trigger.

Diet for Lazy Gallbladder
Diet-wise, a sluggish liver and a lazy gallbladder are the result of a high-fat diet! So before you try any natural remedies for lazy gallbladder, the first thing is to reduce all fats (including healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, and seeds) to a minimum, and only eat fats at lunch. Low fat also means low protein, because you cannot separate proteins from fat, especially when it comes to animal-based foods. So beware! Here are a handful of diet tips to improve your gallbladder.
Start your day with a large glass of room-temperature water in which you squeeze 1/2 of lemon, and end your day the same way. Optionally, add a tbsp of raw honey to the lemon water.
- Avoid: ALL fats, and have only a small amount of fats at lunch! Do not eat fats in the morning or late in the evening to allow your liver and gallbladder to cleanse overnight.
- Have plenty: fresh and ripe fruit (kiwis, apples, grapes, bananas, dates, etc), cucumber juice, cranberry water, wild blueberries, natural vitamin C from rose hips, aloe vera, lime water, lemon juice, and celery juice, leafy green salads, gluten-free oats, steamed potatoes or sweet potatoes, millet, vegetables,
- Herbal teas: nettle tea before bedtime helps stop the growth of gallstones., burdock root tea, dandelion root tea,
We also recommend looking into Medical Medium’s gallbladder health podcast. Now let’s see what are the most powerful natural remedies for lazy gallbladder alongside these dietary tips and advice.
4 Powerful Natural Remedies for Lazy Gallbladder
1. Parsley Root Decoction
Thoroughly wash 1 kilogram of parsley root, then boil it in 2 liters (8 cups) of water until the water is reduced by half. Drink a small glass of the parsley root decoction on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. This simple remedy can be resumed daily until the symptoms disappear. Alongside, soak a cotton towel in hot chamomile tea, and apply it as warm as possible to the gallbladder/liver area.

2. Nettle & Chicory Tea
Drink a mix of 50 ml of nettle leaf tea made from fresh plant (ideally) and 50-65 ml (maximum) of chicory root tea over the course of one day. This tea can be consumed in two equal portions: one before lunch and another one before dinner. Continue drinking this tea daily until your symptoms have improved.
3. Radish Juice Cure
The 6-week radish juice cure is one of the most powerful natural remedies for lazy gallbladder and gallbladder stones and is so easy to follow. This remedy is not recommended for those who suffer from ulcers or stomach and bowel inflammations. The radish juice should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, as follows:
- Week 1: 100 ml radish juice/day
- Week 2: 200 ml radish juice/day
- Week 3 & 4: 300 ml radish juice/day
- Week 5: 200 ml radish juice/day
- Week 6: 100 ml radish juice/day
First, you will notice a boost in appetite, and the disappearance of nausea, the bitter taste in your mouth, and the pain under your ribs. An ultrasound check is recommended by the end of the 6-week cure.

Powerful Gallbladder Detox
Rinse 3 cups of whole grain oats (gluten-free) with warm water and put them in a 5-liter pot. Add 2 tablespoons of lingonberry leaves and 2 tablespoons of birch leaves and buds (either dried or fresh). Pour 4 liters of water over them and let the container sit in a cool place for the next 24 hours. Separately, simmer a cup of slightly crushed rose hips in a cup of water for 10 minutes, set aside, and allow to settle for the next 24 hours.
After the 24 hours have passed, bring the first pot to a boil, and when it starts to simmer add 2 tbsp of corn silk and 2 tbsp of common knotgrass. Continue to simmer for 15 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow to cool down for 45 minutes. Strain the decoction and combine it with the rose hip decoction you made the previous day. Pour everything into a large amber glass bottle and keep it in the refrigerator to consume for the following 10 days. Drink this decoction warm before meals as follows:
- Day 1: 50 ml / 3 times a day
- Day 2: 100 ml / 3 times a day
- Day 3 to Day 10: 150 ml / 3 times a day
After a 2-week pause, the gallbladder detox can be resumed. During the 10 days of detox, avoid consuming FATS, as well as eggs, dairy, meat, deli, processed foods, foods containing MSG, citric acid, natural flavors, soy, corn, canola, farmed fish, and processed sugar.
Read Also: How to Use Dandelion Root for Lazy Gallbladder
The gallbladder and liver are closely connected, thus a compromised liver will always impact the gallbladder and vice versa. If you’ve enjoyed learning about the most powerful natural remedies for lazy gallbladder, please share this article so we can help those in need. Stay healthy, naturally!
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