Home Cures 4 Natural Remedies for Constipation

4 Natural Remedies for Constipation

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for constipation, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Constipation is a rare, difficult evacuation of intestinal contents. The frequency of stools in a healthy person can vary from three a day to three a week. Constipation occurs when the interval between stools exceeds three days or when they have high, hard consistency, and come out with great effort or even pain. One of the most important factors in constipation is diet. A high-fiber diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains, will help you have a regular bowel movement. In addition to a proper fiber-rich diet, here are 4 natural remedies for constipation that have proven their efficacy in time. Let’s get to the remedies.

4 Natural Remedies for Constipation

4 Natural Remedies for Constipation

1. Grapes, a Natural Remedy for Constipation

The grapes diet, aside from its depurative properties and regulating bowel movement can also have a positive impact on your weight. You can end up losing up to 5 kg/2,5 pounds after following the grapes cure here. You’ll also experience a great positive change in the way that you feel overall. This is one of the most amazing natural remedies for constipation as well as for bowel regulation. Here is how to make it. The first three days of the cure represent the accommodation period, in which, alongside your regular meals you should eat increasingly larger quantities of fresh grapes.

  • On the first day eat ½ kg of grapes, on the second day 1 kg, and on the third day 1 ½ kg.
  • After these three days, eat only grapes for the following 5 days, but don’t eat more than 3 kg of grapes a day.
  • In addition, drink plenty of unsweetened caraway and thyme teas to avoid bloating.

After the 5 days have passed, gradually bring back in your diet other foods, such as vegetable soups and mashed legumes, rice and steamed chicken, etc. In 3-4 days go back to your regular diet, but of course, try to eat as healthy as possible so you prevent any future constipation.

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2. Pumpkin Seeds & Alder Bark Remedies for Constipation

Thoroughly grind 50 grams of pumpkin seeds and combine them well with three tablespoons of high-quality raw honey. Have a teaspoon of this remedy every half an hour and then have an alder buckthorn bark (Frangula alnus) decoction. Prepare this infusion as follow. Simmer a heaped teaspoon of bark into a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, cover, and leave aside to steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink it on an empty stomach in the evening, at bedtime. Or have two cups of this decoction, one in the morning and the other in the evening.

If you experience severe constipation, use one heaped tablespoon of buckthorn bark to prepare the tea instead of one teaspoon, and prepare it the same way. This herbal tea helps speed up bowel movements almost instantly. The results will show in 2-3 days and in about one week the digestive transit will be completely regulated. This is definitely one of the most effective natural remedies for constipation.

3. Common Medlar Natural Remedies for Constipation

Although the main cause of constipation is diet, when constipation is chronic, there can be other causes for it. However, this natural remedy for constipation common medlar berries (Mespilus germanica) will help you in times of need, as it is an ancient remedy for constipation in parts of Eastern Europe. This shrub is native to southeastern Europe, especially the Black Sea coast, where it has been used for centuries for uric acid stones, gout, rheumatism, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, kidney stones, and to regulate intestinal transit.

One of the best natural remedies for constipation is fresh common medlar berries juice. After making the juice, you can sweeten it with honey to make it taste better. Add two tablespoons of this sweet juice to 100 ml of water and drink when you experience constipation. If you don’t have fresh common medlar berries at your disposal, you can make an infusion with common medlar seeds. Steep 6 grams of seeds into a cup of water and drink two cups a day. Or you can steep 30-50 g of leaves per liter of water and drink three to four cups a day. Common medlar is one of the most powerful natural remedies for constipation used in the Balkans.

4 Natural Remedies for Constipation - Common Medlar Berries
Common medlar berries (Mespilus germanica)

4. Natural Remedies for Constipation with Plums

This is another great remedy for constipation that can be really helpful. Soak ½ kg of dried prunes in water for 8 hours (overnight). Make sure the water covers the prunes entirely but don’t add excess water. The next morning, strain the water and eat the hydrated plums on an empty stomach. Then drink the entire quantity of water that covered them. If you suffer from chronic constipation we recommend that you eat fresh plums with rye bread or even stewed plums, or plum compote. This is one of the best natural remedies for constipation.

Read Also: 20 Best Home Remedies for Constipation with Recipes

We hope that these natural remedies for constipation will land you a helping hand when you really need a good remedy for constipation, be it chronic. Let us know if they’ve worked for you too, by leaving a comment below. Stay healthy, naturally!

4 Natural Remedies for Constipation

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