Home Conditions How to Use Cleavers for Cancer

How to Use Cleavers for Cancer

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to use cleavers for cancer and use this herb as natural medicine at home? Continue reading.

Cleavers (Galium aparine) is considered a powerful healing plant to boost natural immunity or alleviate respiratory issues by traditional healers and experienced herbalists in the Balkans. Cleavers is also beneficial for kidney and prostate conditions and is known for its ability to regenerate the liver in cases of hepatitis and cirrhosis. In ancient times, doctors recommended cleavers as a potent aphrodisiac. Topically, the sticky cleavers sap was the base for popular remedies for psoriasis, eczema, various inflammatory processes, acne, as well as cuts, scratches, and insect bites. However, the key health benefit of cleavers lies in its ability to halt and heal cancerous tumors. Now let’s see how to use cleavers for cancer.

How to Use Cleavers for Cancer - Cleavers for Cancer - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Cleavers and Cancer

Medical experiments conducted by Russian scientists have found that cleavers extract inhibited the growth of lymphosarcoma by 82%. In folk therapy, cleavers is recommended for uterine, skin, prostate, breast, and stomach cancers with metastases in the liver. The therapeutic effect can significantly increase when cleavers infusions or decoctions are combined with the intake of freshly squeezed cleavers juice (can be frozen for later use). There are many recent studies showing the benefits of cleavers for cancer.

The aerial parts of the plant can be harvested in April-May when the plant is young, but before flowering. In some cases, the flowers of cleavers are also used, as you will see below. The roots can be harvested at the same time.

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How to Use Cleavers for Cancer – 5 Types

1. Skin Cancer

Combine one cup each of dried cleavers, birch leaves, sage, and calendula flowers. Infuse 2 tablespoons of this blend in 450 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 4 hours. Strain and drink 50-70 ml, 4 times a day. Add one cup of freshly squeezed cleavers juice (including flowers and roots) to the remaining infusion, and apply compresses to the affected area. Or, you can also apply the freshly harvested chopped plant to the wound and keep it on for 3-4 hours a day, and after removing the poultice, wash the area with the remaining infusion.

How to Make Cleavers Tea and Use at Home - Cleavers Uses - MyNaturalTreatment.com

2. Tongue Cancer / Oral Cancer

Put a heaping teaspoon of cleavers, three-lobe beggarticks plant or tansy flowers, and 10 cloves in 500 ml (2 cups) of cold water. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and let it infuse for 30 minutes. Rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day with this infusion, then chew for a few minutes a pea-size piece of fresh lovage root.

3. Uterine Cancer, Endometritis, and Cervical Ectropion

Wash and finely chop several cleavers roots. Combine two tablespoons of chopped root with one tablespoon of shepherd’s purse leaves and flowers, and one tablespoon of wormwood plant. Bring one liter (4 cups) of water to a boil, and when it reaches boiling point add the plants and boil for 10 minutes. Cover the pot and let it steep for 30 minutes, then strain the decoction.

To reduce chemotherapy side effects and enhance treatment effectiveness, add one teaspoon of peony root tincture (Paeonia anomala) to the decoction. Alternatively, you can add one tablespoon of black poplar bud tincture instead of peony tincture. To prepare the tinctures at home, fill a wide-necked bottle halfway with 40% alcohol and fill the rest with the plants. Allow to macerate in a dark place for 14-21 days. Use this lukewarm decoction for vaginal douches in the evening.

4. Breast Cancer

Steep one tablespoon of cleavers plant in 250 ml (one cup) of boiling water in a thermos for 4 hours. Strain and consume in 3-4 portions, warm, 15 minutes before meals. Additionally, you can have one teaspoon of cleavers leaves or flowers and wormwood seeds powder mix (in equal parts) four times a day in some parsley root tea.

How to Make Parsley Root Decoction Uses - MyNaturalTreatment.com

5. All Types of Cancer

Prepare an infusion by steeping one tablespoon of cleavers in 250 ml (one cup) of boiling water in a thermos for 4 hours. Strain and consume in 3-4 portions, warm, 15 minutes before meals. Depending on the location of the tumors, additional anti-cancer herbs can be added to the recipe to address specific issues in each individual case.

Cleavers Safety and Precautions

Cleavers is considered a relatively toxic plant, which is why recommended doses should not be exceeded. The plant is not recommened during pregnancy and breastfeeding and for children. Due to its high tannin content, cleavers has astringent properties, which is why it is advisable to take a break after every 14 days of administration.

  • The diuretic effect of cleavers can potentially affect individuals with diabetes who already experience frequent and abundant urination.
  • It can cause blood pressure to rise suddenly in individuals with high blood pressure.
  • Due to its antihemorrhagic effects, cleavers may increase blood clotting, which is why circulation problems may occur after long-term use. To avoid this issue, alternate cleavers treatments with preparations made from horse chestnut or willow, which fluidize blood.
  • Individuals with various types of cancer should monitor their white blood cell levels and interrupt any cleavers treatment if values drop abnormally. They should resume treatment based on further analyses.

Consulting with a healthcare provider before using cleavers or any herbal remedy is advisable, especially for those managing diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medical condition.

Read Also: How to Make Cleavers Tea and Use at Home

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How to Make Cleavers Tea and Use at Home - Cleavers Uses - Cleavers Tea Recipe  - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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