Home Cures How to Make Pine Needle Drops – Natural Expectorant

How to Make Pine Needle Drops – Natural Expectorant

by Andreea Laza

Want to know the pine needle drops uses and how to make pine needle drops for cold and cough? Continue reading and find out.

Pine needle candy is a delicious and healthy alternative to expectorant drops for upper respiratory infections, such as cold, flu, bronchitis and more. The reason is pine needles and buds have an antiseptic, analgesic properties, and activate the microcirculation. Pine needle tea, decoction, syrup or tincture, are a natural remedy for cough, chronic bronchitis, and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Now let’s see how to make pine needle drops at home.

How to Make Pine Needle Drops - MyNaturalTreatment.com

How to Make Pine Needle Drops



Melt the xylitol in a larger non-stick saucepan over low heat without stirring (beware of burning!). After it has melted completely, add the essential oils and stirr. Then pour the composition on a baking paper in a tray to harden. After it has hardened, break the bulky piece of sugar into small bits. Or use a silicon candy drops mold, like the one here, if you want better looking candy drops. Store the drops in a sealed jar, so that the pine needle drops stay moisture free.


These pine needle drops help against colds and coughs, but you can also use them to sweeten your pine needle tea, or any herbal tea. You can find the essential oils for the drops recipe below.

Read Also: How to Make Pine Needle Syrup

If you’ve enjoyed learning how to make pine needle drops for cold and cough, please share this article so more people know the pine needle drops recipe. Let us know if you’ve used natural remedies with pine and what is your experience with pine products. Stay healthy, naturally!

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How to Make Pine Needle Drops Recipe - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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