Urethral polyps are perhaps the rarest form of benign urethral lesions, and they are more common in women than men. Conventional medicine oftentimes resorts to surgery or synthetic drugs to alleviate the symptoms, not even touching the cause of the problem. The good news is that there is a simple home remedy for urethral polyps that has been passed on by word of mouth in parts of Eastern Europe.

Home Remedy for Urethral Polyps with Eggs Macerate
Carefully wash well 5 large and fresh organic eggs and put them on the bottom of a large jar, one next to the other. Pour the fresh juice from 10-15 lemons into the jar over the eggs, so that the eggs are covered by 5-6 mm. Close the jar tightly and place it in a dark spot in the pantry to macerate for the next 10 days. Strain the liquid through a cheesecloth. Combine the obtained juice with 250 g of honey (preferably acacia) and 250 ml of double refined alcohol. Have 25 g of this maceration 3 times per day before the main meals. In addition, you can follow the honey cure for urethral polyps.

Honey Remedy for Urethral Polyps with Honey
Mix 1 kg of raw honey with 3 grated horseradish (with the peels on). Have 1 tablespoon of the honey and horseradish remedy 3 times a day, before the main meals of the day. Did you know that horseradish is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics out there? You can read more about it by clicking the link below.
Read Also: 10 Strongest Natural Antibiotics and How to Use Them
We hope that this home remedy for urethral polyps will be helpful for those of you who look for a less intrusive way to put an end to this condition. If you found this article useful, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!