Home Cures 5 Less Known Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers with Remedies

5 Less Known Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers with Remedies

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn about the health benefits of sweet William and how to use this beautiful flower as simple medicine? Continue reading and learn a few natural remedies with sweet William.

Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) is a flowering plant native to the mountains of southern Europe from the Pyrenees to the Carpathians and the entire Balkans region, which has been introduced to North America around the 16th century. Besides its sheet beauty and therapeutic properties, which we are about to show to you, sweet William is a fantastic flower for a naturalistic garden because it attracts birds, bees, and butterflies, and it blooms all summer long, from May to August. Now let’s look into the unknown health benefits of sweet Williams and how you can use sweet William as medicine.

Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers with Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com
A garden of sweet William flowers

Are Sweet William Flowers Edible?

Yes, the sweet William flowers are edible and medicinal. They can be used to garnish dishes, added to fruit salads, cakes, desserts, and even in the preparation of flower cordials and other cold summer drinks.

Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers with Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com
A lovely bouquet of sweet William flowers

Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers

The entire sweet William flower (Dianthus barbatus) has medicinal properties. The fragrant petals of sweet William flowers secrete active substances which fight off dangerous pathogens, have detoxifying effects, and help the body fight infections. Research has shown that two saponins isolated from aerial parts of Dianthus barbatus have analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. Other studies have shown that a special protein isolated from leaves of Dianthus barbatus inhibits the functioning of Escherichia coli ribosomes. Even more, the seed extract of sweet William inhibits the growth of tobacco mosaic virus ordinary strain. Hence, the main health benefits of sweet William flowers are for:

  • headaches
  • viral infections
  • cough
  • liver detox
  • infected skin lesions

2 Sweet William Medicinal Recipes

1. How to Make Sweet William Tea

Put three teaspoons of petals in a cup of water and leave to soak for 6-8 hours at room temperature, then strain. Set the cold maceration aside, and steep the used petals in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and allow the hot infusion to cool off. Finally, mix the cold maceration and the hot infusion and the tea is ready. You can also make the tea with the roots of sweet William (two teaspoons of the chopped root) following the same recipe.

Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers with Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

2. How to Make Sweet William Tincture

Finely chop the fresh sweet Williams flowers, put them in a small jar and cover with 100 ml (3.4 oz) of 90-degree food alcohol. Seal the jar and leave to soak for 12 days, then strain. Pour the tincture into small, amber bottles with a dropper. The shelf life of this tincture is 2 years.

5 Natural Remedies with Sweet William Flowers

1. Headache

One of the key health benefits of sweet William flowers is in alleviating headaches. For this, the tincture is used (50 drops of tincture three times a day). Additionally, massage the temples and neck with sweet Williams tincture. If your headache is caused by burnout or overwork, you can also inhale the scent of sweet William flowers for 5 minutes every day.

2. Flu

When it comes to respiratory tract viruses and influenza the sweet Williams petals tea is a simple yet effective natural remedy. For this, you can have 2 cups of sweet William infusion daily (recipe above). This powerful tea inhibits the replication of influenza viruses, induces sweating, and helps detoxify the body, thus speeding up the healing process. This is one of the main health benefits of sweet William flowers.

10 Best Natural Treatments for Flu

3. Cough

Gargle with two teaspoons of sweet Williams petals tincture diluted in 80 ml (1/4 cup) of water. The active ingredients in sweet Williams petals have a calming effect on the cough and on the nervous system, soothe nighttime coughing fits and induce restful sleep, as this is one of the health benefits of sweet William flowers.

4. Jaundice

One of the least known health benefits of sweet William is jaundice, due to the detox action of this flower. In this case, you can have one cup of sweet William root tea daily, over the course of at least two weeks. This medicinal tea has a gentle action, making it a great remedy for even the more sensitive individuals.

5. Herpes Infections

One of the most important health benefits of sweet William flowers is in alleviating and healing herpes infections and infected wounds. For this, make a poultice with chopped sweet William flowers and apply it to the affected skin areas. Leave it on for at least one hour, then remove and leave the skin to dry on its own. Repeat daily (possibly twice a day), until the skin lesions are healed.

The Magical Properties of Sweet William Flowers

Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers with Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

From very old times, people in the Balkan region of Europe living on the shores of the Danube Valley believed that the sweet William flowers, just like carnations, are the love messenger flowers. They believed that the human soul awakens and can have a more enjoyable love experience, near the fragrant flowers of this plant.

Thus, if you feel that you have lost the enthusiasm and joy of love as if your romantic relationship has withered “cure” yourselves with the scent of sweet William flowers. Place a vase with a sweet William bouquet next to your bedside to enjoy their beauty and mesmerizing scent, and learn once again to fall in love with the beauty of life. The sweet William flowers will teach your soul to love once again.

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If you’ve enjoyed learning about the health benefits of sweet William flowers and how to use them as medicine, please share this article so more sweet William lovers learn about the medicinal properties of these gorgeous summer flowers. Stay healthy, loving, and happy, naturally!

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Health Benefits of Sweet William Flowers and How to Use - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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