Home Herbs 7 Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves, Uses and Natural Remedies

7 Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves, Uses and Natural Remedies

by Andreea Laza

Want to know what are the health benefits of lilac leaves, the main lilac leaves uses, and natural remedies with lilac leaves? Continue reading this article and find out what they are.

Lilac leaves (Syringa vulgaris) have therapeutic properties, similar to lilac flowers, that we’ve talked about in a previous article. Indeed, the beautiful lilac tree has many therapeutic applications, as we use not only the lilac flowers but also the leaves and the bark for healing, each with different harvesting periods and different drying techniques. Before we move on to the health benefits of lilac leaves, let’s see how to harvest lilac leaves and dry them at home.

7 Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves, Uses and Natural Remedies

How to Harvest Lilac Leaves

The lilac leaves are harvested after the flowering period, Lay them to dry in the shade, in a thin layer, on wooden frames, sheets of paper, or mats, in airy and well-ventilated spaces (attics, verandas, balconies). You can also use a dehydrator to dry the lilac leaves at 40°C (104°F). After drying, store the lilac leaves in gauze bags or paper bags. Coarsely crush the lilac leaves only before using them. Now that you know how to harvest and store lilac leaves, let’s look into the most important health benefits of lilac leaves.

Health Benefits of Lilac Flowers, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves

The lilac leaves contain syringin and polysaccharides, with potential antidiabetic effects, as well as hepatoprotection in cirrhosis and steatosis. The reason is that syringin has properties similar to those of silymarin, which is found in milk thistle, and also the chemical complex found in artichokes, both with known liver-protective properties. Lilac leaves extract is also known for its beneficial action on the kidneys and kidney stones.

Even more, lilac leaves have anti-inflammatory and sweating properties, good in lowering fever and reducing cold symptoms. In combination with wormwood, lilac leaves can even reduce symptoms of malaria, and we’ll show you below how. Similar to lilac flowers tincture, lilac leaves tincture also has antirheumatic properties. In short, the most important health benefits of lilac leaves are the following:

  • liver protection and support
  • kidneys protection and kidney stones
  • sudorific properties (induces sweating)
  • relieves fever (cold, malaria)
  • antirheumatic properties
  • antidiabetic properties

Now that you know what are the most important health benefits of lilac leaves before we go to the natural remedies with lilac leaves for various health problems, here are three ways to prepare lilac leaves as medicine. The lilac leaves infusion, tincture, and medicinal wine.

1. How to Make Lilac Leaves Infusion

To make lilac leaves infusion, add two tablespoons of dried and roughly crushed lilac leaves to 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain the lilac infusion. Sweetens to taste with honey.

Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

2. How to Make Lilac Leaves Tincture

To make lilac leaves tincture you need to soak 20 grams of dried and coarsely crushed lilac leaves in 100 ml (3.4 oz) of homemade alcohol or another natural spirit, in a glass jar for 10 days. Shake 3-4 times a day. Strain the tincture through gauze, and leave to decant in the refrigerator for 6 days, for complete clarification. Gently transfer the clear part to an amber bottle with a dropper this time, leaving out any residue that has settled on the bottom of the vessel. Shake the vial before each use. The shelf life of the lilac leaves tincture is 2 years from the date of preparation.

7 Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves, Uses and Natural Remedies

3. How to Make Medicinal Wine with Lilac Leaves

To make medicinal wine with lilac leaves, soak 50 grams of dried and coarsely chopped lilac leaves (about 4 tablespoons) in a liter of natural red wine (min 11% alcohol) for 10 days, stirring 2-3 times a day. Filter the wine macerate without squeezing the residue, then leave to decant for another 6 days, so that the clear part is separated from the residue at the bottom of the jar.

Add some more wine on top so that you make up for the wine that has evaporated, so in the end, you have 1 l of medicinal wine. Gently pour the wine into 200 ml or 250 ml (6.7 oz or 8.5 oz) amber bottles, leaving the residues out. The shelf life for the medicinal wine is 1 year, at room temperature.

7 Natural Remedies with Lilac Leaves

1. Inflammatory Kidney Problems

In traditional medicine, the lilac leaf extract is used to alleviate inflammatory kidney problems and kidney stones. Pour 250 ml (1 cup) of warm water over 2 tablespoons of crushed lilac leaves, bring to a boil, then remove from the heat, cover with a lid and leave the pot wrapped in a blanket to infuse for 2-3 hours. Strain well. From this infusion, you can have 1 tablespoon, 4 times a day, before meals. A complete cure lasts two weeks. Pause for 2-3 weeks, and resume the procedure 3-4 times maximum.

kidney stones natural remedies

2. Cold with Fever

One of the main health benefits of lilac leaves is in lowering fever caused by colds. Prepare an infusion with 2 tablespoons of chopped lilac leaves infused in 1 cup of boiling water, at the first symptoms. Infuse for one hour, in a thermos, or by wrapping the teapot in a blanket or thick towel. You can drink a cup of lilac leaves infusion, 3-4 times a day, slightly warmed, to reduce fever.

3. Malaria with Chills

Harvest 20 young, still sticky, lilac leaves and chop them. Pour 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water over and infuse (preferably in a thermos) for 1.5 hours, then strain. Drink 100 ml twice a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, one hour before a meal, and in the evening, after the last meal, while lying in bed. Or drink three times a day, 100 ml each, before main meals. A complete cure lasts 10 days. One of the most important health benefits of lilac leaves is for chills.

There is another way to use lilac leaves, especially in the case of malaria. Here is how to prepare this remedy at home. Combine 20 g of fresh lilac leaves with 1 teaspoon of fresh wormwood and 1/2 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil. Macerate these herbs in 1 liter of brandy in a dark place, for 2 weeks. You can have 2 tablespoons before the main meals. This is one of the less-known health benefits of lilac leaves.

10 Natural Treatments for Giardiasis - Wormwood
Wormwood leaves

4. Gout

Another one of the most important health benefits of lilac leaves is that they can relieve gout. For this, mix equal parts of flowers and dried lilac leaves. Macerate 2 tablespoons of the herbs in 200 ml (6.7 oz) of 70° alcohol, for a week, in a dark spot. Shake periodically. Strain and the lilac leaf tincture is ready to use. The recommended dose is 20-30 drops, 3 times a day before meals.

5. Arthritis

One of the health benefits of lilac leaves that is also shared with lilac flowers is relieving rheumatic pains caused by arthritis, as well as lower back pains. This remedy is for both. Mix 2 tablespoons of chopped lilac leaves with 300 ml of black radish juice, 200 g of honey, and 100 ml of homemade brandy in a sealed jar. Leave to macerate for 24 hours in the dark, then it is ready for use. Before using, heat up the affected areas with a hairdryer, then rub the sore places with this remedy. Shave well before every use.

Osteoarthritis Natural Treatments

6. Insomnia

Similar to lilac flowers, lilac leaves can also be used in alleviating insomnia. This is one of the main health benefits of lilac leaves. Prepare the lilac leaves infusion following the recipe above and have 3 cups of tea a day, sweetened to taste with honey. To boost its efficiency, add a teaspoon of lavender flowers to the infusion.

7. Wounds with Puss

This remedy has been passed on from generation to generation in parts of Eastern Europe, where they used fresh lilac leaves to apply to the skin for wounds or other skin issues. For wounds with puss, they used a lilac leaves infusion to wash the affected area well. To make the infusion, add two tablespoons of dried lilac leaves to 200 ml of water, and bring to a boil. When it starts to simmer, remove from heat, cover and infuse for 2-3 hours. Strain and wash the wounds with this infusion, or make compresses and apply them to the wounded area.

This is one of the most popular health benefits of lilac leaves. For small cuts or scratches, you can use the lilac leaves infusion to dab them with.

Read More About Lilac:
6 Health Benefits of Lilac Flowers, Uses, and Natural Remedies
4 Health Benefits of Lilac Bark, Uses and Remedies

Now that you know what are the most important health benefits of lilac leaves, the main lilac leaves use, and how to make natural remedies with lilac leaves, please share this article so more people can learn about the health benefits of lilac leaves and use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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6 Health Benefits of Lilac Leaves, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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