Home Herbs 3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers and How to Use

3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers and How to Use

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn about the health benefits of hawthorn flowers and how to make hawthorn flowers tea and use hawthorn flowers for health? Continue reading and find out.

Hawthorn (Crataegus mono­gyna/ Crataegus oxyacantha) is the white bride of the month of May. Its lovely white flowers bear the color of purity, eternity, peace of mind, and lofty aspirations. Hawthorn is a shrub that gives a festive air to the meadows and clearings in the hilly and mountainous areas, with its white and fragrant inflorescences. But most of all, hawthorn is one of the top herbal medicines that nature has to offer for a troubled heart and mind.

How to Harvest Hawthorn Flowers

Harvest the hawthorn flowers on a sunny day (dry weather) in the month of May or June, at the beginning of their opening with intention and gratitude. Place them on a piece of gauze in a chilled and well-ventilated space to naturally dry them. Store them in paper bags or in glass jars. In order to fully benefit from the healing effects of hawthorn flowers here is a simple combined infusion recipe you can make at home.

3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Hawthorn flowers harvest for infusion

How to Make Hawthorn Flowers Infusion

Put six teaspoons of powdered hawthorn flowers in a cup and a half of water at room temperature. Cover and leave to soak overnight. The next morning, strain the macerate and set it aside. Scald the used hawthorn flower powder in another cup and a half of water, and leave to infuse until chilled. Strain and combine the cold macerate with the infusion and the combined hawthorn flowers infusion is done. Have a cup of this tea three times a day on an empty stomach. Unlike the “classic” hot infusion, the combined hawthorn flowers infusion is even more powerful and healing.

3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers

1. Heart & Nervous System Problems

Recent studies have shown that hawthorn flower preparations promote oxygenation of the brain, improve brain circulation, and normalize nervous system activity due to its blood-thinning properties. Long-lasting cures with the combined infusion of hawthorn flowers can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system as well as the heart by soothing cardiovascular problems. The most important health benefits of hawthorn flowers are for the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

2. Nervousness, Irritation, and Anger

If you’re oftentimes overwhelmed by these negative emotions a 1-2 month cure with the combined hawthorn infusion can have very beneficial effects on your mental wellbeing. This tea has a balancing, gentle, and at the same time strong positive effect on the nerves, as hawthorn flowers have amazing health benefits for the mind.

3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Hawthorn flowers

3. Anxiety

One of the main health benefits of hawthorn flowers is soothing anxiety. In this case, you can use the same combined infusion following the recipe above, only this time use a blend of hawthorn flowers and St. John’s wort flowers, in equal amounts. St. John’s wort flowers are known for their anxiety-relieving properties.

The Healing Hawthorn Flowers

The white hawthorn flowers are healing for the mind and for an aching heart. White is undoubtedly the color that can cure any suffering and any disease, deserving its title as a healing color. To convince yourself of this, contemplate the flowers of the hawthorn. After a few minutes of contemplation, no doubt you will notice the calming effect of its color, and the peace it brings to your thoughts and feelings. It only takes a little goodwill to consciously focus on the white, gentle hawthorn petals, marveling at the great genius of the Creative Source.

Read Also: 6 Health Benefits of Lilac Flowers, Uses and Natural Remedies

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3 Health Benefits of Hawthorn Flowers, Uses and Natural Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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