While it may be more convenient to open the drug cabinet and pop a pill when you have a headache or a mild cold, there are natural alternatives that work. This wonderful natural treatment for cold uses a simple ingredient you may already have in your fridge. That is fresh cottage cheese. This simple folk remedy is best used at the very first symptoms of a cold, such as chest pain, and sore throat. Here is how you can use this natural treatment for cold at home.

Cottage Cheese Natural Treatment for Cold
Although it may seem too simple to work, the cottage cheese compress is a natural treatment for colds used for centuries in rural areas of Eastern Europe. Here is how you can make it at home. Slightly warm up a large quantity of natural cottage cheese in the oven or in a pan over the fire. Spread the cheese on a clean cotton kitchen towel, and then wrap the cottage cheese inside. Now you have the cottage cheese poultice ready to use. Place the warm compress on the chest area, where you feel the pain. Keep the poultice for 2 hours until it gets cold again.
Immediately after you remove the compress, get into bed as comfy as possible to start sweating under the warm quilt. After sweating 2-3 times, you know that the cold has gotten out of your body and you will feel amazing the next day. In addition to the cottage cheese poultice, the mustard powder remedy for cold can help heal from cold even faster.
Home Remedy for Cold with Mustard
This natural treatment for colds is simple and effective. What you need for this remedy is black mustard seed powder and a piece of cheesecloth. Before making the mustard poultice, anoint the body with a bit of coconut oil or a natural calendula salve. This will diminish the mild burning sensation from the black mustard seed powder.
- Sprinkle some black mustard seed powder on the cheesecloth, and apply it to the chest and back area.
- Place a wet cheesecloth over the poultice and then a dry scarf to keep the poultice in place.
Leave the poultice on for about 3 minutes and then check to see if the skin has turned red. If it has turned red, remove the poultice until the redness goes away. Resume the application afterward. If the skin is looking fine, apply a new black mustard seed powder poultice and keep it on for 3 to 15 minutes.
Beware! Don’t use this natural treatment for cold if the skin on your back has wounds, burns, eczema, or rashes. It is possible that the black mustard powder aggravates your skin condition. If you have a white skin complexion that is highly sensitive to sunlight exposure, anoint your body with a natural oil before applying the poultices, to reduce the risk of burns.
Read Also: 30 Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu
This folk natural treatment for cold and flu uses such simple yet natural medicine: black mustard powder. Alongside the cottage cheese poultice, these two remedies help fight colds really fast and have no side effects. Let us know if these remedies have worked for you too by leaving a comment below. Stay healthy, naturally!