If you are looking for simple and effective home remedies for tick bites, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Before we start, we must say that tick bites don’t hurt and are usually not even felt. Therefore, in many cases, these bites can be discovered very late. For this reason, after each trip in nature (green pastures), have a meticulous examination of the skin to remove the tick, if any.

In This Article You Will Find:
How to Remove a Tick
If you can get to a hospital emergency room, it is best to ask for specialized help to remove the tick. However, if this is not the case, you can also remove the tick by yourself. For this, you need a pair of tweezers to grab the tick’s head, as close to the skin as possible. Do not grab just the body of the tick, because the infected blood will return to the skin, increasing the risk of disease. More so, its head can easily break off and remain in the skin.
Here is how to remove a tick safely
- Removed the tick slowly with the help of the tweezers, so that you remove it completely, without leaving any bits on the skin. Do not twist the tweezers or squeeze the insect too hard because you don’t want to break it.
- You can remove the tick easier if you pad it with lamp oil, propolis tincture, or 90 ° alcohol before extraction.
Once the tick is removed, monitor your health and contact your doctor in case of unusual symptoms. This is what allopathic medicine recommends. However, natural medicine has some quite useful home remedies for tick bites, that you can safely use after removing the tick. Let’s see what they are.
3 Home Remedies for Tick Bites
1. Tea Tree Oil Remedy
Tea tree essential oil is probably the world’s most powerful natural antibiotic for external use and definitely one of the best home remedies for tick bites. Use it immediately after the tick bite for maximum efficiency. Here is how to use tea tree oil for tick bites. Soak a cotton pad in tea tree oil and apply it to the tick bite. Cover with a band-aid to prevent it from evaporating and to allow it to penetrate deep into the skin.

2. Arnica Tincture for Tick Bites
Arnica has powerful antibacterial and healing effects for skin lesions including wounds and tick bites too. You can use it both internally and topically. Internally, use arnica tincture that is specifically for internal use.
- Topically: apply a poultice with arnica flowers on the tick bite, right after the bite.
- Internally: take 3 teaspoons a day of arnica tincture to stimulate immunity and prevent inflammation.
Arnica is one of the most effective and quick-action home remedies for tick bites.

3. Bee Venom Remedy
This is one of the most radical home remedies for tick bites, that we only recommended to people who are sure that they are not allergic to bee venom. According to naturopath doctors, this method has been successfully tested for hundreds of patients in Germany. How does bee venom work for tick bites?
When you are getting bee-stung shortly after being bitten by a tick (12 hours max.), a very strong immune system reaction is induced. The body will release impressive amounts of antibodies, neutralizing any invading microbes that could have been transmitted through the tick bite.

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In addition, bee venom is also very effective as a general immunostimulant, and anti-inflammatory, making it a good adjunct in the treatment of already installed tick-borne infections, such as borreliosis. This is definitely one of the best home remedies for tick bites
When To See a Doctor After a Tick Bite
If after a few hours or days, the area around the tick bite turns red 3-4 cm in diameter, you must see a doctor. If medical tests show an installed infection, you will probably be prescribed antibiotic treatment. We have written an extensive article about the strongest natural antibiotics that we hope are of help.
Read Also: 14 Best Home Remedies for Insect Bites
Hopefully, these home remedies for tick bites will help you as a natural first aid against complications from a tick bite. Let us know in the comments below what home remedies for tick bites you’ve used successfully. Stay healthy, naturally!